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Fairbanks North Star County, AK Real Estate News
With the Thanksgiving holiday around the corner I thought I would post a tasty plate of fresh halibut with some vegetables. Eating turkey is not the only plate serving during Thanksgiving although I do like turkey along with other meats ;o)So with that being said ... "Who's ready for the Thanksgiving holiday"?
Fireweed Flowers are a native wild flower that grows all over the state of Alaska, and these beautiful flowers are growing on our properties in Alaska.My wife has been pointing out to me beautiful moved green lawns in Alaska saying she wants our properties to look like this.But low and behold only to find out later on in the summer that 50% of our properties are covered with these beautiful Fireweed Flowers.So for now it looks like approx. 50% of the properties will be getting mowed because I (will not) be cutting or mowing down the beautiful Fireweed Flowers on our properties.Here are 3 photos of the Fireweed that my wife took yesterday on our properties ;o)
Vegas Bob sat in Santa Claus's Chair at the North Pole in Alaska In the fall of 2015 Robert Vegas Bob Swetz and his wife drove up to Fairbanks Alaska to view the leaves changing and fall colors.While we were up in Fairbanks Vegas Bob just had to check out the North Pole which was only 30 miles northeast of Fairbanks.What a treat it was going into The Santa Claus House and viewing all the Christmas artifacts of Santa Clause and so much more.Vegas Bob even got to sit in Santa Claus's Chair.We didn't get to meet Santa Clause, word has it Santa and Mrs Claus were taking a dip at the Hot Springs 40 miles north of the North Pole ;o) Here is a wonderful display of Jesus Christ when he was born that is in the Santa Claus house and the photo (below) is the actual address of Santa Claus at the...
I am missing my wife and Fall in Alaska ... In Fall of 2015 Robert Vegas Bob Swetz had the privilege of being in Alaska driving around viewing the Fall colors and taking some photographs.My wife Lin and I drove up to Fairbanks which is around a 7 hour drive north of Anchorage. Fairbanks is 100's of miles away from the ocean and has many different types of trees than Anchorage, Seward & Homer. I have always enjoyed the 4 seasons and Fall colors because I grew up in the Midwest and experienced them every year.Here are a several photos with the leaves changing that I took in 2015 in Fairbanks and Lucile Lake, along with a photo of Lin and I at Portage Lake south of Anchorage. I will be traveling to Minnesota the 3rd week of October to visit my father who turned 80 years of age, my siste...
One Day Left Before Vegas Bob is in ALASKA ;o) Well time seems to be flying by fast because later tomorrow, Wednesday 8/24/2016 Robert Vegas Bob Swetz will be in Alaska.It has been raining 95% of the time for around 3 weeks up around Anchorage, Homer & Seward Alaska so Vegas Bob is going to bring some California sunshine up to Alaska with his.And California has fires burning up thousands of acres from NorCal to SoCal so Vegas Bob would like to bring of of that moisture and water down to California from Alaska.Vegas Bob will keep everyone around the ActiveRain network up to date on his trip to Alaska even including followers from around the world.
4 Days and Counting before Vegas Bob goes to Alaska Robert Vegas Bob Swetz is counting down the days and Saturday 8/20/2-16 makes it number 4 before his return to the Last Frontier.The last time Vegas Bob was in Alaska was around May 27th 2016 and it was very difficult to leave because Alaska was coming into 20 hours of sun light per day, beautiful weather and so much more.But returning to the Lower 48 was the right move because Vegas Bob landed a great job on a construction project in the Bay Area (Silicon Valley). And Vegas Bob will be closing on another home he purchased in Las Vegas, which will close the middle of September.Vegas Bob is very excited about getting back to Lin, the boys and the beauty that Alaska has to offer. Vegas Bob (will not) be posting any extreme posts while he...
I would like to wish everyone from Activerain a Very "Merry Christmas" early because I will be very busy the week of Christmas.I would also like to thank all my Friends & Associates for all your emails about wanting me to stay with the Activerain network.I even received a email from one person on AR staff that shared some of the reasons to stay ... ;o) So that being said, have a safe Christmas week and Vegas Bob aka Alaska Bob will be back with some fresh (New) blogs with (New) photos of Alaska attached in January 2016 And let's try and not forget what Christmas is really about!
Who's ready for Christmas? Photographs by Robert Swetz Well it looks like Santa Claus is ready at The Fashion Show Mall in Las Vegas Nevada with all these lovely ladies surrounding him ;o) Here are some great photos that I have taken over the years with Santa Claus at The Fashion Show Mall, and this great photo (above) taken with a (wide angle) lens at the Bellagio Hotel & Casino. Here is a photo (above) of Alaska Bob sitting in Santa Claus's chair at the North Pole in Alaska. Here is another great shot of Santa Claus at the Fashion Show Mall on Las Vegas Blvd in Las Vegas Nevada. Here is a great shot of Santa at The Apple Store in Caesars Forums Shops in Las Vegas Nevada. And last but not least, my favorite photo of a display of Jesus Christ at the Santa Claus House at the North P...
That's Right Robert Alaska Bob Swetz continues to rise searching Google. Alaska Bob aka Robert Swetz continues to rise while searching the Internet at Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.This is very exciting because it took Robert Swetz approx 2-3 years to reach number one and first page of Google, etc, while searching the name "Vegas Bob" ... So what's the big deal with the nickname Vegas Bob or Alaska Bob?Presence and business ...As a licensed real estate agent, artist, photographer, video director, it helps business and creates a better connection relating to these talents. So why is Robert Swetz so excited about the name Alaska Bob reaching the first page and or number one? Business and Presence. Alaska Bob will continue taking photographs, videos, possibly get licensed to sell real estate an...
For anyone that really knows Alaska Bob aka Robert 'Vegas Bob' Swetz, they know he never stays in one place very long.In fact Robert Swetz has been traveling around the world since he was only 14 years of age, and still continues to travel.Alaska Bob aka Vegas Bob has several places he hangs his hat, like Crosby Minnesota, Plymouth Minnesota, Las Vegas Nevada, Morgan Hill California, Portland Oregon and Anchorage Alaska just to name a few.Vegas Bob really doesn't like to call anywhere home, and can pack up his belongings in one day that will actually fit in a storage unit 5 x 5 x 8.There are some countries that Robert Swetz wants to see before he really truly settles down, and here are a few:Israel, Egypt, Russia, Romania, China, Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Hawaii, Netherlands, Afri...
Northern Lights Anchorage Alaska by Robert Swetz 2014 3 days until I arrive in Alaska ;o) For anyone that has been following Robert Vegas Bob Swetz countdown towards his vacation to Alaska, her is yet another post with some great photos. Bear wood carving Kenai Peninsula Alaska by Robert Swetz 2014 Robert was wondering if he is going to fall off the grid when he travels to Alaska and not even bring a computer, so he can post blogs with photos? Or wait till he arrives back in the lower 48 before he posts any blogs with photos? Just a quick question for the readers and followers of Vegas Bob's trip to Alaska ... Who wants Robert Swetz to bring his laptop to Alaska and post blogs and photos of his vacation? "Inquiring Minds Want to Know" Pond in Fairbanks Alaska by Robert Swetz 2014
Alaska the "Last Frontier" - New Beginning for Robert Vegas Bob Swetz Robert Swetz spent almost 3 months in Alaska in 2014. And Robert will be in Alaska for 10 days fishing the second week of July 2015. And it is looking like Robert will also be visiting Alaska around December of 2015. And Robert Vegas Bob Swetz is planning on spending around 9-10 months in Alaska in 2016. Robert has hundreds of some of the most beautiful photographs he took last year while he was in Alaska. Instead of sharing many photographs within one post, Vegas Bob is going to post around one dozen different posts with only (One) photo attached. When ever you come across a post written by Vegas Bob with ... "THE LAST FRONTIER" in the title, please be take note that there will be a beautiful photograph taken by Rob...
Merry Christmas 2014 from Robert Vegas Bob Swetz at the North Pole Alaska ;o)
By Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
Merry Christmas 2014 from Robert Vegas Bob Swetz at the North Pole Alaska ;o) Robert Swetz would like to wish everyone around the world, a "Very Merry Christmas" Here are some fun photographs taken at the North Pole in Alaska several months ago. The North Pole is located approx 40 miles south of Fairbanks Alaska. These wonderful photos were taken around and inside the Santa Claus House located on 101 St Nicholas Drive at the North Pole AK 99705 Now by looking at a couple of Santa's Rain Deer in the photo above, it doesn't really look like they are ready to pull Santa's sleigh. But remember children, this photo was take in August of 2014 and they are ready now, they have to be ;o) Here is a great present for adults that was for sale inside the Santa Claus House, an...
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz receives Letter from Santa Claus House North Pole Alaska
By Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz receives Letter from Santa Claus House North Pole Alaska Vegas Bob was in Fairbanks Alaska several months ago and when he was there, her drove over to the Santa Claus House at the North Pole in AK. And when Vegas Bob was at the Santa Claus House, he met Santa Claus and filled out the visitors book at the front. Well Vegas Bob received a letter yesterday from the Santa Claus House at the North Pole, and VB was very excited. Here are some photos I took with my iPhone and sorry they turned out so blurry ... ;o( And if you look real close at the envelope (above) you can see the address 101 St. Nicholas Drive North Pole Alaska 99705. AND WHO SAID SANTA CLAUS WASN'T REAL??? Santa Claus House: Santa letters from North Pole since 1952
Why Robert Vegas Bob Swetz doesn't Celebrate Christmas & other Holidays Around 20 years ago Robert Swetz gave up the Celebration of Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween and other major Holidays. Several of the reasons Vegas Bob gave up the Celebration of Holidays was: 1. Because there wasn't any children around VB at this time to make it fun. 2. Because VB wasn't into the Commercialism attached to the major Holidays. 3. Because VB found out that he is part Jewish and Holidays are Celebrated differently. 4. And as for Birthdays, well ... we are only Born Once so there is no reason to Celebrate a persons Birthday again. That is unless the person is under the age of 12, over 12 years of age (NOT)! And the (Main Reason) would be ... Because Robert Swetz feels "EVERYDAY"...
The North Pole Alaska and Robert Vegas Bob Swetz 9-16-2014 The North Pole Alaska and Robert Vegas Bob Swetz 9-16-2014 Well Vegas Bob finally got his chance to meet the real Santa Claus at the North Pole in Alaska over the weekend and it was exciting. Here are some fun photographs that Vegas Bob took on his visit to Santa's House at the North Pole. Santa Claus even let Vegas Bob sit in his chair at Santa's House ... Wow, I feel so privileged ;o) Robert Vegas Bob Swetz visits The North Pole in Alaska Cached Share View shared post 26 mins ago - Here are some fun photos that Robert took on his visit to Santa Claus's House at The North Pole. Please stay tuned because Vegas Bob has ... Vegas Bob...
Tuesday, September 16, 2014 Robert Vegas Bob Swetz visits The North Pole in Alaska 9-15-2014 Robert Vegas Bob Swetz visits The North Pole in Alaska 9-15-2014 Well Robert Swetz finally got his chance to bond with Santa Claus at The North Pole in Alaska yesterday and it was quite exciting. Robert went to Fairbanks Alaska over the weekend and while he was there, VB took a 20 minute drive west to The North Pole. And while Robert was at The North Pole he rolled into Santa Claus House on Santa Claus Lane. Here are some fun photos that Robert took on his visit to Santa Claus's House at The North Pole. Please stay tuned because Vegas Bob has many more photos to share with everyone and will be posting them at other blogs ;o) North Pole, Alaska - Wikipedia, the free encycloped...
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz headed to Fairbanks & The North Pole Sunday ;o) Vegas Bob is taking a drive Sunday morning to Fairbanks which is about a 6+ hour drive one way from Anchorage. VB will be staying the night so as to not spend the whole trip driving. The leaves are already changing in parts of Alaska so VB will have his camera out. Sunday & Monday are both suppose to be sunny days. There have been "Solar Flares" in the Northern Hemisphere so VB will also be looking for the Northern Lights dancing across the midnight sky. The town called The North Pole is only 30 minutes from Fairbanks so VB will be taking photos of Christmas displays during the day and night. There are street signs named Santa Clause Lane, etc and the whole town is all about Christmas ... "So Stay Tuned" ;o)
For quite some time now Vegas Bob has been interested in being licensed in 2 different states. As everyone knows VB is licensed in the State of Nevada but has always wanted to also be licensed in the state of California. Well this dream may have taken a turn ... Now with family and friends in Alaska, VB is thinking of getting licensed in AK vs Cali and also keep his license active in Nevada. And even if VB doesn't get licensed to sell Real Estate in the state of Alaska, he will continue visiting whenever possible. So VB has made his mark in the beautiful state of Alaska, with stories, photographs and videos within the World Wide Web. And until VB gets more photos and or videos loading up try searching on Google ... Robert Vegas Bob Swetz Alaska ;o)
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