washington: Pricing Waterfront Property on Hood Canal is Local
- 04/11/18 10:58 AM
I was asked yesterday at #BelfairWindermere, “On Hood Canal, what is the cost per linear foot of waterfront?” This is the old-school way of determining the value of a beachfront property. It worked well for a while when most houses were similar and vacant land when available, but both of those conditions have changed. The number for years was $5000 per foot but for those who still like to know, here is the calculation. On the horizontal section of Hood Canal, that part beyond the Big Bend, we sold 32 homes. Throw out the most expensive and the least expensive, you find (20 comments)
washington: Senate Bill 6091 - WA residents can now drill new wells
- 01/23/18 02:29 PM
NEWS FROM OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON yesterday is very good for Mason County rural land owners who want to dig a new well. Back-to-back votes ended a yearlong standoff created by the state Supreme Court’s Hirst ruling. Senate Bill 6091 received bipartisan support in both chambers and passed by comfortable margins, 35-14 in the Senate and 66-30 in the House. Gov. Jay Inslee issued a statement saying he will sign the Hirst bill. For those who have not kept up on this issue, the Washington Supreme Court's 2016 decision in Whatcom County v. Hirst (commonly known as the Hirst decision was based on the assumption that (5 comments)
washington: You're Invited to Windermere Waterfront Home Tour - June 11 & 12
- 05/23/16 05:15 AM
Join us June 11 and 12 as we showcase some of the finest waterfront homes in Washington. Have you dreamt of owning a little piece of Pacific Northwest paradise on the water? This is your opportunity to take a peek at what’s available. From 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., June 11 and 12, waterfront homes throughout Washington will be open for you to view. To see what will be open in your area visit www.waterfronthomeswa.com. I will be featuring the beach property at 18961 State Highway 106. This South Hood Canal Waterfront offers unique privacy. Close-in cottage with 114 feet of low bank warm (2 comments)
washington: New Gardner Report for Western Washington is out
- 08/13/13 08:49 AM
Windermere Real Estate is proud to partner with Gardner Economics on this analysis of the Western Washington real estate market. This report is designed to offer insight into the realities of the housing market in Washington. Numbers alone do not always give an accurate picture of local economic conditions; therefore our goal is to provide an explanation of what the statistics mean and how they impact the Western Washington housing economy. In aggregate, the areas that saw a reduction in employment lost a total of 2,460 jobs. We would note, however, that no counties saw losses between the end of the (0 comments)
washington: Lady Alderbrook now open to cruise
- 07/13/13 05:38 AM
The Belfair, Washington public is again cruising on Hood Canal. The 54-foot Lady Alderbrook is now available to the public two days a week for summertime cruises on Hood Canal.Owned by Alderbrook Resort & Spa near Belfair, Washington, the yacht is normally reserved for private parties, but until Aug. 28, the public is invited to enjoy the views of the Olympic Mountains as you motor the Olympic Peninsula resort area of Hood Canal.The Alderbrook Resort turns 100 years old this year but you don't have to stay overnight to hike, golf, dine and participate in activities at the 88-acre resort.Cindy Sund (1 comments)
washington: Should I move or remodel
- 07/03/13 04:04 AM
There are a number of things that can trigger the decision to remodel or move to a new home. Perhaps you have outgrown your current space, you might be tired of struggling with ancient plumbing or wiring systems, or maybe your home just feels out of date. The question is: Should you stay or should you go? Choosing whether to remodel or move involves looking at a number of factors. Here are some things to consider when making your decision. Five reasons to move: 1. Your current location just isn’t working. Unruly neighbors, a miserable commute, or a less-than-desirable school district—these (0 comments)
washington: Q1 2013 Gardner Report is available
- 05/21/13 04:22 AM
Each quarter in the State of Washington, Windermere Real Estate commissions noted Northwest economonist Matthew Gardner to report on the state of real estate. His latest First Quarter - 2013 Report was released May 20, 2013 and is now downloadable at http://thesouthsounder.com/newsletters/Q1_2013.pdf. (0 comments)
washington: Q3 Gardner Report is out
- 12/08/11 08:54 AM
For those of us who watch the Northwest economy and how it affects Washington real estate, Mr. Matthew Gardner and Windermere Real Estate has released “The Gardner Report” for Q3. Mr. Gardner is a land use economist and principal with Gardner Economics and is considered by many to be one of the foremost real estate analysts in the Pacific Northwest. In addition to managing his consulting practice, Mr. Gardner is a member of the Pacific Real Estate Institute; chairs the Board of Trustees for the Washington State Center for Real Estate Research; the Urban Land Institutes Technical Assistance Panel; and represents (0 comments)