entered into a monthly drawing for $250 CASH
The Payette River Experience - June 19th, 20th, and 21st
47 + events in three days, from Trap Shooting, Fly Fishing, Dutch Oven Cook-Offs, Mountain Biking and 1k, 5k, and 10k races and much more.
For all the latest details go to www.thepre.com.
Music in the Mountains Festival - Aug. 1st and 2nd
Join us at Southfork Landing for the 4th annual Music in the Mountains Festival.
Oktoberfest and 2nd Annual National Writers Conference - September 26th
Join us for Food, Fun, and Beer at the 2nd Annual Ocktoberfest and National Writers Conference.
For more information on any of these events, please call 462-1200 or 921-2080 or email us at wes@southforklanding.com.
Sign up for a community tour - and possibly win $250 CASH!
Join Us for a tour of Southfork Landing and get
Getting There: Southfork Landing is just a 45-minute drive north from Boise on Highway 55. Head through Horseshoe Bend and take a right at Banks-Lowman Rd (State Route 17) toward Lowman/Stanley. Proceed 10 miles to Garden Valley, and take the last right on Alder Creek Road (travel over bridge) Southfork Landing is on the right.