'To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.'
There is so much truth to this statement. I overheard it the other day. There were 2 women sitting at a local coffee shop. I wasn't trying to eavesdrop but what can I say...they were talking loud enough for not just me to hear but many others sitting in the area.
One of the women was being supportive of the other. It appeard that the two women have known each other for years. They seemed so comfortable with each other.
I don't know quite what the discussion was about due to the fact I got there after they did. It was intense though that's for sure. I heard the woman who seemed to be the one in need telling her friend she just didn't know how to start something. She seemed excited and very nervous at the same time.
I wondered..."what is the project?" "What can be giving this woman so much intensity?" Just this woman's actions told me she was a person with great aspirations. Anyway....the friend of this woman was talking to her with such conviction. She was telling her "you have always achieved something when you put the efforts in to it?" " Why is this any different than EVERYTHING you have taken on?" She even stated that she "wished" her friend could see in herself what others do.
Well I never did find out what the whole story was but it got me to thinking. That statement makes so much sense. What is it that you want out of life? There are so many things....health, family, money, and more. To get it we all have to do something we have never done before. It keeps it exciting if you think of it this way. Keeps us learning and trying different things. Nothing has to become mundane if we mix it up and try something we have never done before.
I look forward to the next conversation I find at the coffee shop......I bet it will teach me a lot!!!