
getting a commitment

Real Estate Agent with Exit IH 10 Realty

If someone really wants something they will do it right and make a commitment. If someone wants to see homes and will need time and energy from you to do that don't you think they should sign a buyers agreement.  If you are going to get the best offer excepted for them don't you think you'll need an approval letter with the offer and if your going to have me show you homes at 2.50 gallon don't you think they should explain there what their urgency is. This is the standard.

When lead generation falls off. Why do we lower the standards instead of chasing more lead? Why do the questions we ask become fewer instead of more compelling?

Peggy Duffy
The Bailey Team Real Estate - Chantilly, VA

I agree. I have found that people not willing to sign a representation agreement are not truly motivated and committed to finding a property. If agents are going to put time, energy and effort into assisting a potential buyer or tenant, they need to know that person is committed to working with the agent, and also trusts the agent.

Sep 19, 2009 12:33 AM
Michael Setunsky
Woodbridge, VA
Your Commercial Real Estate Link to Northern VA

Rick, I think Peggy has summed it up nicely. Buyer representation is a commitment from the buyer and the agent.

Sep 19, 2009 12:48 AM
Johnny Morrow
Track The Lead - San Antonio, TX
Simple CRM Development

commitment has to take place on both accounts, and sometimes more. 

Sep 20, 2009 02:33 PM