I 'woke this morning the feeling that great things are yet to come in this post-recession world and then heard about a new book by Colin McCloud, "Let the Great World Spin." You know, sometimes we get so caught-up in the fast-paced intricacies of our immediate concerns, concerns that are dictated by all the terrible news we are hearing and the pressures from the world around us that we are feeling, that we find we have no time to direct our own activities in the more positive way we know, deep down, we should be heading. This is why the message I got this morning from this minor concurrence of inputs this morning was so powerful: you see great things can only come if we "Let the Great World Spin" in much the same way as Colin McCloud suggests, and pursue our own goals without the noise and pressure of the outside world!
One could see this in, say, one's practice of real estate, if we can just ignore for a moment the horrible reports of foreclosure and recession and unemployment and begin anew to expand our contact with those buyers and sellers we know need our help with their real estate needs! There are many "lights at the end of the tunnel" if we can but turn down the noise and blinding glare of the news reports all around us and just see them! Home prices are the best they have been in years for our buyers out there and buyers are just beginning to come flooding back into the market both because of these bargains and because of incentives (mainly government right now, but soon to be lenders, as well), and this is good for those who must sell in the near term!
So it looks to me like opportunity is opening up in our industry and I, for one, want to take it by enlarging my sphere of contacts who will eventually call on me to help them understand how to use this time to make the moves that have been pent up for the past 3 or more years and move on toward their real dreams and the future that will now be open to them. Let's help our clients and prospects to realize their dreams. There is nothing in the way but those obstacles we put there, so help them see the way to their desires... these dreams are really open to them now with great opportunities, if we can only help them see them!
Give thanks for these opportunities and the lessons we have learned about how to maximize them over these past few years of struggles, give the gifts of support our clients so badly need, and open up the future to them and to ourselves by taking action now. Feel the enlightenment and spread it to all you know! Now is the time!