
Why here...Why now

Services for Real Estate Pros with Arkshire Financial

We all go through it... Why am I here? There's Got to be Something Better? If Only I were able to help? This has been stirring inside me for some time now... Gary Vaynerchuk says it well in his new book Crush It! when he stated that no one else has your DNA.  No one else has the same passions that you, or I, do. No one else will pay attention and react to the same things that grabs our attention.

It's been in my DNA for some time now to stop warming the bench & start diving right in to the world of Non-Profits & Philanthropy. Call me crazy, but I love watching these organizations step outside their comfort zones of mass-mailings and donation requests in order to reach an entirely different audience that's growing. An audience that cares more about making a difference than they do about a tax write-off.

Take Mark Horvath (@hardlynormal) - this guy is the epitome of making things happen. Homeless himself, he decided to push against the normal avenues of generating support and truly take matters into his own hands by bringing the homeless crisis directly to you & I. He created which tells the stories 1st-hand of our neighbors on the streets.

There's a movement happening... People are taking notice. Responding in droves.

I'm looking forward to facilitating...and extremely optimistic about what lies around the corner.

Until next time... - Josh

Group Invite:

PS: Remember...Many are simply 1 missed paycheck away from the park benches. More than you think. | @joshperrington | jperrington [at] gmail [dot] com

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Andrew Mooers | 207.532.6573
Northern Maine Real Estate-Aroostook County Broker

Good looking profile shot. Which one is the financial guy? Make a difference in the short time you are on earth. Think about others. Have fun doing it. Is it nurture or nature that defines us... and like people, properties are all different, unique. Good thought provoking post.

Dec 14, 2009 08:37 AM
Josh Perrington
Arkshire Financial - Marietta, GA

Thanks Andrew! I definitely appreciate the feedback & would love for you to join our group

Hope you're well!  - Josh

Dec 14, 2009 08:40 AM
Mark Hall
Realty One Group Cascadia - Vancouver, WA
Homes for Sale Vancouver Washington

The best way to be remembered is to make a difference. I am glad to hear that you going to go out and get involved. Maybe someone reading your post will be inspired to do the same.

Dec 14, 2009 08:42 AM
Josh Perrington
Arkshire Financial - Marietta, GA

Thanks Mark - That's the idea... ;)

Dec 14, 2009 09:27 AM
Tom R

This the time of the year for hope and help

Dec 14, 2009 10:24 AM
Josh Perrington
Arkshire Financial - Marietta, GA

You're exactly right Tom - thanks for replying.

Dec 14, 2009 11:47 AM
C Tann-Starr
Tann Starr & Associates, Inc. - Palm Bay, FL

Featured @ Club Chaos

Dec 14, 2009 12:30 PM
Josh Perrington
Arkshire Financial - Marietta, GA

Thanks so much for the Feature @ Club Chaos, C! - Humbled.

Dec 14, 2009 12:42 PM
Jason Crouch
Austin Texas Homes, LLC - Austin, TX
Broker - Austin Texas Real Estate (512-796-7653)

Josh - I have been in the same boat myself.  In fact, I am looking to speak at a non-profit gathering in the spring - trying to help them to reach a whole arena that is largely untouched by smaller charity groups.

Dec 14, 2009 02:28 PM
Josh Perrington
Arkshire Financial - Marietta, GA

Thanks Jason - Would love to hear more about the speaking event for non-profits...seems like we may have some things in common & would love to help.

Dec 15, 2009 12:40 AM
Alexander Harb
Knights Investing - Mesquite, TX
Dallas, Texas Real Estate Investing

I am featuring this post in,"Christianity and Real Estate"....... what we do to the least of Jesus' brothers and sisters, we do TO HIM................

Thanks for posting this in the group!!



Dec 15, 2009 09:20 AM
Josh Perrington
Arkshire Financial - Marietta, GA

Seriously thanks for the Feature, Alexander! So glad to help and facilitate our discussions.  Looking forward to great things happening!

Dec 15, 2009 01:08 PM
Don Wixom
RE/MAX Executives Nampa, ID - Nampa, ID
"Looking out for your next move..."tm

Josh, nice write!  We take so much for granted & we have no idea, sometimes, who IS so close to HUGE life circumstances...  I just read a story from Wayne Roland about a girl who was talking about a dragonfly only living for 24 hours... What is OUR 24 hours?

Thanks for making me think tonight!

Dec 15, 2009 03:49 PM
Josh Perrington
Arkshire Financial - Marietta, GA

Don - You made my day man! Glad to hear that something I wrote was able to help... It's an honor to bring the world of homelessness, hunger, Active Rain.

Dec 16, 2009 02:26 AM