
My Green Metamorphosis

Real Estate Agent with Mile High Realty EA100021162

A few years ago, I read an article in the Denver Post about a group in the neighborhood to the east of mine that were reducing their solid waste, transportation, etc by more than 20% each. I was intrigued and want to learn more, so I joined a group in the Cherry Hills Village area ( and my life has been changed since.

Exposure to "Green" living had been something I had grown up with a little bit. We would take all of our recycling to the Ecocycle drop off. I also had a good friend whose parents were models for living green and I doubted that I could ever be that environmentally friendly. But what I have learned is that they did not come into all at once. Bit by bit, these "green" ways of living just become a way of life. And if you just take a little bite here and there, it is really very easy to live a more conscious life. Before you know it, it is just a part of you and it becomes contagious to those around you. At first people are scared, intimidated, or maybe think that you are a little strange. Before you know it, they are coming back to you telling you about how they have made more environmentally friendly changes in their lives. And it just keeps going on, and on.

Colorado has always been a bit more green than most of the country, but these are really exciting days. The Governor's Energy Outreach office has been doing a tremendous job of putting together a great website ( in which visitors simply enter their address and are able to pull up rebates and tax credit opportunities for their residence. I am fortunate to currently live in a energy star rated home, so much of the work to improve the home's energy efficiency has been done for me here. But I as I scrolled through the options, I thought that it would be fun to see what else I could incorporate into our home. My first energy action step is to incorporate the whole house energy monitor. I applied for the rebate and obtained the information that I needed to purchase the Energy Monitor. Now I am off to find the right one!

With this blog, I would like to share with you all how easy it is to begin or continue to grow into a more conscious way of life. I would hope that our families efforts now will just be the norm for our children and not really anything they have to think about. Hope you will join me in this adventure!

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