
Where to order the most accurate credit scores?

Real Estate Agent with PalmerHouse Properties 341409

After many years of pre-qualifying home buyers, a question that comes up is how to order credit scores? 

I have found that if your order your credit score from each credit bureau (Experian,Equifax and TransUnion) you most likely will get the most accurate credit score from that particular credit bureau.  But who has time to go to each credit bureau when you have other options to order all 3 at the same time from people like and 

I had a buyer who came with their own lender.  This particular lender had the buyer order their credit scores from  All the credit scores (except TransUnion) was not up to date and incorrect.  The buyer contacted me a told me the situation.  I told her in my experience was the most accurate site to order your 3 personal credit scores from, which she did. scores turned out to be off by 50-60 points. 

So in conclusion,if you want your most accurate credit scores order them from  These are the credit scores your lender will most likely see.