In August of 2010 there were 59 properties that closed within the month for Dorchester Massachusetts. This is a decrease of 24%, as there were 78 homes that closed in August of 2009.
The Average list price for the homes that closed in Dorchester for August of 2009 was $235,739
The Average list price for the homes that closed in Dorchester for August of 2010 was $257,809.
The Average sale price for the homes that closed in Dorchester for August of 2009 was $228,211
The Average sale price for the homes that closed in Dorchester for August of 2010 was $252,252
The Average Market time for the homes that closed in Dorchester in August of 2009 was 109 days.
The Average Market time for the homes that closed in Dorchester Augustof 2010 was 92 days.
69 homes went under agreement in Dorchester Massachusetts in the month of August 2010.
So what do the numbers indicate?
Although the total volume for properties sold in August decreased by 24%, home values increased by nearly 11% and the average days on market fell by16%, which means homes are selling quicker. If these positive trends continue, we should see the inventory start to drop over the next few months. Hopefully the inventory has already peaked for the year.