
Grandkids and Winter times

Home Inspector with Hadlock Home Inspections

Being a Grandparent is great. We were blessed with a suprise visit from our Daughter, Son in Law and Grandkids, 2 1/2 and 3 months, for Thanksgiving. A wonderful shock for them to come home to a classic winter storm and my Grandkids first snow. They make thier home in Hawaii and it was very interesting to see them live for a week on the baseboard heaters.

Speaking of which, Baseboard Heaters can be a real good source of heating for the winter, but beware of getting anything against them. Most Baseboards heat with moderate heat, however I was a little stunned when I ran across a heater that was more that moderate. When they turned on, with thier onboard thermostats, they heated up very fast and hot. My temperture probe never topped out and I turned them off when the meter read 145 degrees. I recommended they be looked at by an electrician. All this to say that it is important to watch what is placed near and against Baseboards. Just a thought for the season.

Happy Holidays and a Merry and Blessed Christmas!
