
Hartford Ct- Wadsworth Athaneum's Annual Festival of Trees

Real Estate Agent with Vision Real Estate LLC


The annual Festival of Trees has occured this year and I thought that I would share it with you all.  It is a festival of holiday celebrations donated by local community members and companies to the Wadsworth Athaneum Museum, which puts is on display for the first two weeks in December.  All items are auctioned off to benefit those in need.  They have trees, wreaths, menorahs, cultural celebrations, art work etc all for viewing.  The Museum also has a kids craft room where young ones can go and create a craft item and get their hand painted with a wintertime icon such as a snowman, reindeer etc.

This is an annnual event for my daughter and I as we enjoy checking out the local creativty that has been brewing for some phenomenal art pieces.  You also get admission to the museum once you have purchased your ticket to the Festival, so it's also a great opportunity to breeze by the Mummy on display or check out a Monet.

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Ellen Dittman
Watson Realty Corp. - Middleburg, FL
#1 Stop for NE FLA-JAX/OP 904.535.1199 (TEXT OK) r

Thanks for sharing. Nice to see traditions in other areas.

Dec 30, 2010 12:05 AM
Julie Nearing
Vision Real Estate LLC - Farmington, CT

so glad you appreciate our traditions in CT!  Thanks for viewing!

Dec 30, 2010 12:17 AM