
Day 31 Oh What Fun!!!

Real Estate Agent with Prime Real Estate

I have really enjoyed this 31 day challenge although I may have caused another problem for myself.  Yes I am addicted.  I am checking the blog posts almost as much my facebook.  This can not be good as my husband already questions how I can be on the computer so long.

I have enjoyed some of the controversial posts such as the ones that ask about handing out your cell phone number and other such as one about  how wonderful a customer can or can't be.  It is amazing how much you can associate your experience with everyone else out there.

So activerain friends I am here to stay as I truly enjoy the company thank you for your comments good or bad and I look forward to learning more from you.  Oh yeah then there are those darn ranking point things grrrr......

Posted by

Valarie Kubacki

Prime Real Estate


Serving all of Northwest Indiana

Porter County, Lake County, Jasper County, La Porte County, Newton County

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Stanley Stepak
Howard Hanna - Avon Lake, OH - Avon Lake, OH
Realtor - Avon Lake, Avon, Bay Village, Westlake,

Hey Val I am with you.  The challenge and momentum we gained here is fun. Lets keep it rolling

Jan 31, 2011 02:03 PM
Rene Fabre
ARFCO Media - Renton, WA
Practicing Philosophical Eclectic of the Arts

Valarie... You go girl... This whole online thingy is so weird in a way, yet, we don't go to Mars to do it... It's all about being in a community and sharing. You've got a great voice, keep sharing it, and the 31 day challenge gets you ready for the Olympics... It's so much more fun to be in the game than the bleachers. Just keep going, keep sharing, don't be afraid to change... listen to your own voice... and just keep doing it... the search engines will love you for it and so will your future clients. :0)

Jan 31, 2011 02:06 PM
Connie Harvey
Pilkerton Realtors - Brentwood, TN
Realtor - Nashville TN Real Estate

Valarie, Rene really pegged it. You're doing great. Keep it up. Did you find Kerrie?

Feb 01, 2011 11:18 AM