Even now late fall Methow Valley 2011 the bike trails are just spectacular. Layers are a wise commodity as you can get quite a range in temperatures as you pedal along. Once that sun sets BRRRRR and when you first start out it can be a bit nippy so having layers, gloves, and a hat under the bike helmet are all good ideas. However before you know it you may be stripping off those layers as you find a nice healthy sweat forming after pedaling up a few of the hills in the area.
Here are some pictures of the trail itself, stay tuned for bridges of the Mazama Community Trail coming soon.
Knee deep in falling leaves late October 2011 Methow Valley
The neon bright orange pine needles on purple rock of the trails is like being in the middle of a Peter Max Poster.
The sparkly sections of the bike trail are made with recycled glass:
The Mazama trails are quite beautiful in their own right not to mention the spectacular views of the Methow Valley that are opening up more and more as the leaves start to fall. Here is just one of many eye candy on this special Methow Valley Bike Trail just minutes from the Mazama Core and suitable for all ages young and old.