Last Thursday I had the opportunity to attend a private event to showcase the newest community inside of Lake Nona - Laureate Park. Just steps from the Lake Nona Medical City. Laureate Park has some pretty exciting and innovative features to be found in their community and homes unlike anything you will find.
The new construction builders in Laureate Park are, David Weekley, Ashton Woods and K. Hov (K.Hovnanian) are partnered with GE to make this community ecofriendly and efficient - Talk about being Green on steriods. Some of the features are plugs in the garage and community for your electric cars, high tech GE nucleauses for your home to make not only your water heaters but your entire family energy efficient, plus floor plans that give you tons of space but dont leave a large foot print.
My favorite builder of the night that I saw was Ashton Woods. I loved their innovative designs with timeless functionality. Homes in Laureate Park start in the low $200,000s and did I mention Publix will be opening there in 2012! If you want to be one of the trailblazers and own a home in Laureate Park walking distance to schools, shops and most importantly Lake Nona Medical City which ecompasses the VA clinic and Nemours Children's Hosptial then contact me today - 407-810-6304 -
Below are some of the eco friendly features going into the homes in Laurete Park in Lake Nona