Hi. My name is Trevor Ainsworth. I am a Realtor and a lucky guy. Unlike most people in this world I happen to have a career that I absolutely love. When everything goes smoothly in a real estate deal it can be a lot of fun. My job is to ensure that everything goes smoothly in your real estate deal so you don't have to.
One of the benefits of my career is that I get to run my business from one of the best places in the world...New England. You see, I work in Vermont, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. Summers along the CT/RI shoreline from Mystic, CT to Narragansett, RI. Winters in Vermont from the shores of Lake Champlain to ski resort towns like Stowe, Smugglers Notch, Jay Peak, Mad River Glen, and Sugarbush.
I also like people. My client base is not limited to just the 3 states I work in but comes from many places like MA, NY, NJ, MD, NH, ME, PA, and DE. My clients like to have fun. So I get locate a great ocean front cottage for their family gatherings. Sometimes they want a retreat in the mountains just a few miles from a ski resort big enough for family and friends. I get to locate that too. Sound pretty good so far? Oh, did I mention that my lovely fiance is a Real Estate Attorney and that we get to work together all the time. What's not to like about a job like this?
There is an old adage in business that says, "keep your employees happy and they will keep you happy". Think of me as your personal real estate employee. Buying and Selling your beach and mountain properties makes me happy and by keeping me happy you can count on me to always do my best to make you happy. My name is Trevor Ainsworth. I am Realtor and a lucky guy.