
Things to do in Young Harris GA

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Century 21 Black Bear Realty

 November is when we realize just how much will be going on this holiday season. Since this holiday season includes entertaining here are some activities in Young Harris GA for everyone in the group!

Young Harris College is located within the “Enchanted Valley” of Young Harris Georgia. The college has many community events that are fun for all ages. November 8th– 9th and 11th Young Harris College students will present“Museum”. Contact the box office at (706) 379-4307 or visit the website for more details and to reserve your tickets today!In honor of Veterans Day on November 11th Young Harris College Community Board will host a concert in the Glen Auditorium  on campus.

Brasstown Valley Resort will be hosting an indoor event on November 9th featuring the Changing Seasons Art Gallery Exhibit. This exhibit includes 22 area member artists with over 50 pieces and a wide range of art. It is presented by Mountain Arts Association. Visit www.brasstownvalley.comfor additional information. The 4th Annual Holiday Arts and Crafts show will be on November 23rd-November 25th at Brasstown Valley Resort!

Crane Creek Vineyards in Young Harris Georgia will be having a musical afternoon on November 3rd from 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm at their special event “Rockin with Craig McGriff”. Relax while enjoying the beautiful mountains and afternoon at the vineyard.

Hope you enjoy these upcoming events here in the North Georgia Mountains of Young Harris!