If you are looking for a single family home in Menlo Park that is in a dog friendly neighborhood, my top pick is 429 Concord Drive. The home is located in The Willows, which is a cute, dog friendly neighborhood conveniently located near 101. There are beautiful hardwood floors throughout the home which makes for easy cleanup when there are dirty paws and a lovely fenced backyard with a large Heritage Oak tree (perfect for keeping you dog cool on hot days.) One of the best parts about this home is that is walking distance to Willow Oaks dog park which is one of the best maintained dog parks in the area.
If you are in the market for a dog friendly townhome, 600 Willow Road is my top choice. Dogs are allowed and there are no weight restrictions. Several of the owners in the complex have small dogs. The best part about this townhome is that it is right around the corner from Willow Oaks dog park. The townhome itself has a small yard but living next to a dog park is priceless.
Both homes are open this weekend. For more information about these homes or other dog friendly properties in Menlo Park, contact me at dwoods@peninsulahousehound.com.