Looking to buy or sell in Cecil or Harford County Maryland? Call 443-350-4936 or email me at Shirley.McHenry@LongandFoster.com. I am a full time Realtor in Maryland and am experienced in relocating, home buyers and sellers, foreclosures, and more. Also, check out my website www.ShirleyMcHenry.LNFRE.com. I look forward to hearing from you!
Hello Shirley,
Welcome to Active Rain and congrats on your first post! The opportunities to learn and network are incredible here. Best of luck to ya!
Welcome to ActiveRain!
If you would like a few tips on getting the most out of ActiveRain, please visit my blog Welcome to Active Rain. It has a few simple steps of what to do now that you have joined.
If you ever have any questions, just let me know.
Troy TrummWhat a great attitude! I love it when I see positive posts, especially when lately in the news all we hear is the negative. I'm sure your clients appreciate it also!
Thank you,
Hello Shirley,
Welcome to active rain, it's a great online community. Enjoy!
Leo Namiot
Benchmark Mortgage
Connecticut Mortgage Lender
I just stopped by to welcome you to Active Rain. I hope that you find it a great benefit to your business and that you see the value that I have also found here. I am from Charlottesville Virginia and using Active Rain has really increased my business!
My main blog on Active Rain is here: Charlottesville Real Estate Blog, not the link at the bottom of this post.
I hope you will look into the many groups as there are some great group both local and broad based,....