Ah, you thought I was getting ready for work, well I was out for my morning walk at 6:30am with a temperature of 50degrees. (Trying to loose 15lbs before I am 39ish)
Looking at the weather report on my Iphone, I saw that today was going to have a high of 80degrees. Why wouldn't you want to move to Tucson?
The sun was peaking over the Catalina Mtns and I was listening to the birds chirping and watching the cotton tail bunnies cross my path. Wild yellow poppies are starting to bloom surrounded by purple wildflowers along the road sides. Part of me wanted to sing "The hills are alive with the sound of music..." and I pictured myself like Julie Andrews at the top of the hill singing and twirling but I snapped back into reality and knew that, in Tucson, that isn't such a good idea lest you want to be covered in cactus thorns. :)
As I walked to the tunes of various artists and genres I was watching the cars pass by me. It made me remember how blessed I am to be in this business. I love that I can make my own schedule and routine and I was not like all those drivers who got up at 6:30 to get ready for work and were on their way into their offices, sometimes little cubicles where they will be for the rest of the day.
I was walking in my office...want a tour? I will show you around and you will want to move here too.