Due to a recent surge in automobile break ins in the city of Dover, 40 reported in the last 60 days, Chief Calarusso of the Dover Police Department has put out a strong warning to the citizens of Dover-" If you leave your vehicle, lock it!"
Apparently no one is safe. These thugs are getting cars in peoples driveways! They are targeting unlocked cars. As Chief Calarusso puts it "Thieves are lazy," they are not going to do more than they have to or do something that will draw attention to themselves. Again they are after everything and anyone, the police are asking the people of Dover to keep a look out for people that look suspicious; people wondering around vehicles, people checking doors, peaking in windows. If you notice something strange, report it immediately.
The Dover police would like to get this matter solved, and they are asking the good residents of Dover for help. For questions or concerns the Dover Police Department can be reached at 603-742-4646.