
Why Does Something Weird Happen to the A/R site at 1am Pacific Coast Time?

Real Estate Agent with MOVE HOME REALTY CalBRE#1422725


 First I have to announce this before I ask my questions:

 Yes I am addicted to A/R, Yes I am a night owl, Yes I belong to the night owl group. Now that I have openly admittted this (sigh) I am ready to ask you these questions. 

1) To the A/R Kings/Queens and the gerbils who run on the wheel to keep this site going. For the past 2 weeks when I am answering / leaving comments or trying to write a blog in the wee hours, when the clock strikes 1a "DONG" the site just freezes up!!! When I hit the post button  at that specific time my comment is duplicated 4-5 times.  I can't even go back home! ( should I wear ruby slippers?)

2) Do you have an alarm clock on your site to freeze up so people would go to bed?

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Judi Morgan
RETIRED - San Antonio, TX
San Antonio, TX Real Estate
Windy, first of all, they fired the gerbils, replaced by hamsters who were replaced by rats when they could no longer keep up!  Wonder what they're replacing the rats with?  Ruby slippers always work when you want to go back home!  :)   1:00 AM CA time is 3:00 AM here in Texas -- must freeze up when I Logout!!!  Sorry!!!
Apr 17, 2008 02:35 AM
Mike Frazier
Carousel Realty of Dyer County - Dyersburg, TN
Northwest Tennessee Realtor


Be sure to type your blog posts of word or something to have it saved in case that happens. I have lost great works because I did not have it saved and at that second Activerain crashed!

Apr 17, 2008 02:47 AM
Windy Hixson
Riverside Ca~h2o Homes Specialist


  JUDI M:I don't know how you kept up with all the job changes. See you are smart you are already in bed dreaming of your next idea of a blog.

Apr 18, 2008 06:07 PM
Windy Hixson
Riverside Ca~h2o Homes Specialist


  MIKE F:Thank you for advice re blogging on word. You must have lost it when you lost it (your post)

Apr 18, 2008 06:19 PM
Judi Morgan
RETIRED - San Antonio, TX
San Antonio, TX Real Estate
Windy, me going to bed early since I've discovered AR is rare!!!  But I did go to bed early last night -- I was really tired.   :)
Apr 19, 2008 03:34 PM
Windy Hixson
Riverside Ca~h2o Homes Specialist


 Hey JUDI: Wake up it's midnight here !! You have to write something at 1a to see if it's just me ok? I agree with you, I stay up a lot later since I discovered A/R too.

Apr 21, 2008 06:37 PM
Judi Morgan
RETIRED - San Antonio, TX
San Antonio, TX Real Estate
Hey Windy, I was still awake at 1:00 AM but I wasn't on AR this time.  Trying to get my virus, etc program to download properly -- never did -- husband is on the phone with tech support now!!!  I'm on the other computer.
Apr 22, 2008 03:01 AM
Windy Hixson
Riverside Ca~h2o Homes Specialist


 JUDI M: Did you get your computer fixed? Your picture is really nice on your home page.  Thanks for being a night owl like me. I don't feel so alone while I am on A/R at 1am posting.

Apr 23, 2008 04:31 PM
Kehaulani Kea
JDS Consulting, Staging & Interiors - Honolulu, HI
Aloha Windy: I'm bummed too....strange things are happening. Who hired the gerbils and those dirty rats spilt with the spell chker....Mana Tulberg has the list of complaints so check her out and see if she's found out whats going on.
Apr 23, 2008 04:38 PM
Windy Hixson
Riverside Ca~h2o Homes Specialist



 Aloha KEHAULANI: Yes, I hacve also notised no spel cheker.  I thought it was a Calif problem. I guess not. Was there a coup with the rats? Were is your post on the problems/answers

Apr 23, 2008 04:52 PM