
The Importance of Being Rude

Real Estate Sales Representative with Knieper Real Esate

We've all done it, lied to be polite.  Skirted around an issue for fear we might offend the gentle sensibilities of our clients.  Well not any more. From now on it's honesty to the point of rudeness for me. 

This is a recap of the day I learned that all that posturing, pampering and mollycoddling of my clients was a waste of the their time and my money and I resolved never to do it again.   Cute young couple looking for their dream home.  Their specifications were simple, minimum 5 acres, minimum 2000 square feet, price not to exceed $250,000.  Ok - let's get busy.  We spent the day looking at some wonderful properties, and they bickered and squabbled and quibbled all day long.  If he liked it, she hated it, if she liked it he hated it, by 4:00 that afternoon I was ready to leave them on the side of the road, but I smiled and pretended not to notice that they were being a royal pain in my backside and we went back to the office to call it a day.  They followed me in, sat down across from my desk and asked me to find more houses for them to look at THAT DAY!!!!!!

That is when I lost it and said "NO - I am not showing you another house until you two figure out what you want" .  At which point she looked at me like I was the meanest person in the whole world and starting crying, not sweet gentle little tears of insult, but big sobbing, gasping for air crying.  Well great Vickie there you go, make your clients cry, you can kiss this commission goodbye.  BUT WAIT --- as the husband was consoling her, asking what was wrong, she said between gasps - I WANT TO LIVE ON THE LAKE!!!!!!!!  WHAT - HOW - WHEN - WHY and then to my utter astonishment he replied SO DO I. 

He thought she wanted to live in the country - she thought he did.  If I had not been rude and refused to show them anymore houses, they might never have found their dream home.  As it was, we found them the perfect house on the lake, they bought it immediately and for all I know I saved their marriage as well!

 MORAL OF THE STORY:  Being rude is not always a bad thing and it is almost always honest!

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Linda Lipscomb
Linda Lipscomb RE/MAX Lexington Henderson County TN - Lexington, TN
731-695-1118, Lexington TN Homes

Oh, my......

Good for you standing your position.

Glad it worked for you.


May 01, 2008 09:51 AM
Irene Woodworth
Color and Redesign Academy & Redesign Boise - Garden City, ID
Color-Redesign-Staging, Trainer & Motivational Speaker - Idaho

Hi Vickie,

Thank you for your story.  It's been a tough day and I could not stop laughing as I read this story. 

It is called boundaries.  I now tell my clients that I will consult with them.  I was getting my counseling degree years ago.  I am not Dr. Phil.  However, if they need counseling, that if they need to see him or someone esle, I will write a note for them.  That usually gets a laugh from them, but it is interesting that it has alleviated alot of bickering between them.  I have had to tell a few couples that when they decide what they want they can call me.  I'll see them if I have time.  Too bad.  Maybe people don't have people telling them the truth anymore.   You don't have to be mean, but sometimes you just need to be firm. 

Glad your story had a great ending!   

May 01, 2008 10:04 AM
Pamela Knight
Urban Knight Enterprises, Inc. - Phoenixville, PA

Great blog...glad you had stood your ground...and made that sale...

May 01, 2008 10:19 AM
Gary McNinch
Better Properties Real Estate - Renton, WA
Broker, Renton WA Real Estate


New name for you should be "Vickie Pushy Davies".  Great job getting them to figure it out.  Our job is to do the best for our clients and that was exactly what they needed.

List and Sell (and tell it like it is when it is needed)   Gary @ RentonHomeFinder 


May 01, 2008 10:31 AM
Leigh York
CENTURY 21 Judge Fite Company - Fort Worth, TX
Experienced. Educated. Professional.

I'm proud of you for not backing off when she started crying.  That is a great story.  Good job Vickie Pish Davies.

May 10, 2008 05:41 AM
Pete Xavier
Investments to Luxury - Pacific Palisades, CA
Outstanding Agent Referrals-Nationwide

Great story, you instinctively knew what to do and it paid off for all involved.

I would not call what you did as being rude, but being bluntly firm with them

May 15, 2014 07:59 PM