With horror and haunted house tours all month long, ghost stories, and Halloween finally here, I wanted to share with you whether a seller (in the state of Georgia) is required to disclose death that has occurred on the property to potential buyers. We are not talking only about whether someone was murdered or committed suicide, but also if someone died of natural cause while in the house. Most buyers that I know would definitely like to know, especially in the case of violent death. For some either case is a deal breaker. So, how do you find out? Do you think the seller is obligated to tell you or do you simply ask if someone died in the house?
If I were you, I wouldn't wait for the seller to tell me, but would ask. In Georgia, the seller or their agent is not obligated to disclose if someone died on the property, but they have to answer truthfully when asked. So even if a seller does not share upfront whether someone has died on the property, they simply cannot lie about it when confronted with that question. If you would like to read the full text of the Georgia Code that talks about this type of disclosure, please click on this link discussing property disclosures in Georgia. As far as other disclosures go, like the ones about the physical condition of the property, the law is different, but that is a topic for another video. If you are selling and not sure what disclosures you are obligated to make to a buyer, I am here to help. If you are buyer, then you would like to know everything there is about a property you plan to purchase, so I am here to help too (hint: ask a lot of questions).
Would you buy a property where someone has died?
Have a safe and fun Halloween if you are celebrating and remember I am always a phone call away 404-519-5017 or e-mail at donika@homesbydonika.com or simply go to my website www.homesbydonika.com