
Counting My Blessings Sunday, September 16th

Real Estate Agent with Lisa Von Domek Team TX License #0552989

Once again, counting my blessings and wishing everyone multiple blessings as well.  The rain continues for those in the areas that Hurricane Florence has hit.  As always, the American Red Cross is giving aid to those in need.  If you area able to contribute, click the photo to go directly to the American Red Cross website.



 Time for reflection and to take the time to smell the roses, be thankful for all you have and offer a prayer and a helping hand for those who are struggling. 





 To all, wishing you a peaceful and safe week ahead. 









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James Dray
Fathom Realty - Bentonville, AR

Morning Lisa.

My wife and I had a trip planned for Wilmington in less than two weeks.  Thankfully, we bought travel insurance, I'm filing a claim today.  I do hope the floods that will follow doesn't do a lot more damage.

Sep 17, 2018 01:26 AM
Sally K. & David L. Hanson
EXP Realty 414-525-0563 - Brookfield, WI
WI Real Estate Agents - Luxury - Divorce

Our thoughts continue to be sent to the people in Florence's path...and hope that things give way to sunnier skies and drier days.

Sep 17, 2018 04:29 AM
Wayne Martin
Wayne M Martin - Oswego, IL
Real Estate Broker - Retired

Good morning Lisa. The flooding is worse than the storm. And, unfortunately it is not over. I wish all affected, can recover. Enjoy your day!

Sep 17, 2018 04:30 AM
Nina Hollander, Broker
Coldwell Banker Realty - Charlotte, NC
Your Greater Charlotte Real Estate Broker

Good morning, Lisa... thank you for the shout out for the Red Cross. So much suffering right now in North Carolina and more to come. It's devastating.

Sep 17, 2018 05:39 AM
Gabe Sanders
Real Estate of Florida specializing in Martin County Residential Homes, Condos and Land Sales - Stuart, FL
Stuart Florida Real Estate

Good morning Lisa.  I have to confess that it was surreal watching a hurricane that did not affect us.  It's been a rough couple of years until this year.

Sep 17, 2018 05:57 AM
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393

Hello Lisa --- and counting your blessings each day is especially good for your overall well-being. 

Sep 17, 2018 06:36 AM
Brian England
Ambrose Realty Management LLC - Gilbert, AZ
MBA, GRI, REALTOR® Real Estate in East Valley AZ

Even through are darkest times in life, there are blessings to count, if we are willing to find them.  I am definitely praying for those affected by the storms.

Sep 17, 2018 06:42 AM
Lisa Von Domek
Lisa Von Domek Team - Dallas, TX
....Experience Isn't Expensive.... It's Priceless!

Thank goodness for travel insurance James Dray .  And yes, praying that the flooding to follow will be less than they fear it will be.

Sep 17, 2018 06:23 PM
Lisa Von Domek
Lisa Von Domek Team - Dallas, TX
....Experience Isn't Expensive.... It's Priceless!

Sally K. & David L. Hanson I know that we are all praying for those caught in this disaster zone.

Sep 17, 2018 06:23 PM
Lisa Von Domek
Lisa Von Domek Team - Dallas, TX
....Experience Isn't Expensive.... It's Priceless!

Too true Wayne Martin that darn front just wouldn't move and dumped trillions of gallons of water.

Sep 17, 2018 06:24 PM
Lisa Von Domek
Lisa Von Domek Team - Dallas, TX
....Experience Isn't Expensive.... It's Priceless!

I hope you and yours are well and safe Nina Hollander and you are welcome for the American Red Cross shout out.  You remain in my prayers!

Sep 17, 2018 06:26 PM
Lisa Von Domek
Lisa Von Domek Team - Dallas, TX
....Experience Isn't Expensive.... It's Priceless!

Hello Gabe Sanders watching the coverage reminds me of what the Houston area suffered through last year.  Such devastation...again...

Sep 17, 2018 06:31 PM
Lisa Von Domek
Lisa Von Domek Team - Dallas, TX
....Experience Isn't Expensive.... It's Priceless!

Absolutely Michael Jacobs counting your blessings keeps your heart, mind and soul in line


Sep 17, 2018 06:33 PM
Lisa Von Domek
Lisa Von Domek Team - Dallas, TX
....Experience Isn't Expensive.... It's Priceless!

Well said Brian England there are days that try our souls, but there is always a light to pull us through.


Sep 17, 2018 06:34 PM
Debbie Reynolds, C21 Platinum Properties
Platinum Properties- (931)771-9070 - Clarksville, TN
The Dedicated Clarksville TN Realtor-(931)320-6730

It is hard to believe just a few hundred mile from here there is flooding an 40 inches of rain when we haven't had a shower in days. I am praying for safety for those affected.

Sep 17, 2018 06:48 PM
Lisa Von Domek
Lisa Von Domek Team - Dallas, TX
....Experience Isn't Expensive.... It's Priceless!

It is hard to fathom Debbie Reynolds and I know we are all united in prayer for those affected.

Sep 17, 2018 07:41 PM
Patricia Feager
Flower Mound, TX

Lisa Von Domek - we should never stop counting our blessings. And definetly stop complaining!

What I like about you is that you lead by example. 

Sep 17, 2018 08:25 PM
Lisa Von Domek
Lisa Von Domek Team - Dallas, TX
....Experience Isn't Expensive.... It's Priceless!

Patricia Feager what a lovely compliment you have paid me, my friend.  I always count my blessings to have a friend like you!

Sep 18, 2018 08:13 AM
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Savvy + Company (704) 491-3310 - Charlotte, NC

I love your Sunday blessings post, Lisa! There is SO much to be thankful for and right now, we are truly counting our blessings in light of what many of our friends went through with this storm. 

On a side note - it was beautiful and sunny today in Charlotte but, still not enough heat to dry up the ground - a tree fell in our neighborhood, taking out our power TODAY! Crazy, isn't it?! I think about 1,600 of us were impacted by this but, they have us back up and running this evening...another thankful moment! 

Sep 18, 2018 07:53 PM
Roy Kelley
Retired - Gaithersburg, MD

We have a sunny day in Maryland after many rainy days. Life is good.

Sep 19, 2018 05:20 AM