

Services for Real Estate Pros with OneAmerica - Seminole, FL

     After too many years that I don't want to remember in the sales arena, I've learned how to stay in contact with my clients after the sale closes. In most cases, whether we sell life insurance and financial products like myself, or sell homes, mortgages or other products, whether it be a tangigble or non-tangible product, I find that many people collect their commission checks and move on to the next sale.

    Not me. I learned a long time ago that your best client for future business is one that you've already sold something to. Prior to closing a sale, you've learned plently of information about your client, some of it personal, other info not so you think.

    Sales is a relationship business. these relationships that we nuture can be a future asset to us.

    Being in a different industry than most of you, clients are important to me. More important is the referrals that they give me, and can give you. My computer is full of information that I use to stay in contact with my clients, some more often than others. I know their birthdates, anniversary, date, the date their child(ren) were born, their interests and more. I use this information to my benefit to stay in contact with them. 

    It may sound easy, but alot of people just don't do it. I send cards out constantly, for their birthday's, anniversaries, holiday cards, and articles of interest, (if I come across something that I know they're into). I do my best to put a hand written note on each. You'll be surprise how a little thing like this go a long way.

     The frequency of contact should be twice a year, (in my line of work, more often). The purpose is to stay in their minds, because they will purchase again, no matter what the product is that you are selling. ( I find that if a cliet buys a term life policy they sometimes feel that do not have an advisor, unlike those who have purchased a more permanent insurance plan.) In the real estate business, many people often purchase larger homes as they become more well off. Older people downsize when the kids leave the nest. I can honestly say that the Realtor that I purchased from send me some type of information every 6 weeks, and i purchased my home 10 years ago this month. 

     REMEMBER, that the most important product that we are selling is ourselves. Stay in contact with your customer.


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Active Rain Please Delete this account. Thank you - Kalamazoo, MI

Tony, good point, staying in contact well after the completion is important these days.

Sep 15, 2008 06:53 AM
Pacita Dimacali
Alain Pinel - Oakland, CA
Alameda/Contra Costa Counties CA

Hi, Tony

You sound like you subscribe to the Working by Referral system by Buffini and Company. There's a blogging group you may want to check out if you haven't yet:



Sep 15, 2008 06:54 AM
Bill Gillhespy
16 Sunview Blvd - Fort Myers Beach, FL
Fort Myers Beach Realtor, Fort Myers Beach Agent - Homes & Condos

Hi Tony,  Glaad to see your post. This topic is on my list of things I need to get better at.  Made a lot of improvement but plenty of room for improvement.  Good post !

Sep 15, 2008 06:55 AM
Deanna Casalino
Realty World J. Pavich R.E. - Estero, FL
Fort Myers Florida Homes,

Yes I agree it is very important to stay in touch. Although it is sometimes a very difficult thing to do.

Sep 15, 2008 07:24 AM
Donald Apelian "Short Sale Specialist"
Meridian Financial / First American Financial - Saint Petersburg, FL

Like you said Tony, something we all need to do, but too often don't invest the time. I received my sales training early in my career, as you know from Northwestern Mutual, and still practice the "red letter" language that was drummed into us; and it serves me well today in my current practice.

By the way, thanks for the Birthday card. It never ceases to amaze me that the only professional who remembers my birthday (or who cares to acknowledge it), is my life agent/financial planner! It is warmly appreciated and doesn't go un-noticed my friend.

Sep 15, 2008 08:33 AM
Tony Wangrycht
OneAmerica - Seminole, FL - Seminole, FL

Thanks for the comments. I believe this is something that anyone in sales needs to practice more of. I will be checking out buffiniclubnet on AR. 

Sep 15, 2008 08:54 AM