After working all day, I can't wait (or as my Daddy used to correct me) I can't hardly wait to get on Activerain. I am blown away by the collective years of knowledge and inspiration on this site. Maybe some day I will have some super advice to share but until then, I most likely will have to share an antidote or two.
As I shared in my first blog, I also teach history. This morning before school a student was hit crossing the street in front of the school where I teach. NO TEARS, HE IS FINE, after an exciting ride to the hospital in the ambulance, he was back at school before lunch. Applause and high fives all around!
It is Thursday, my day for crosswalk duty AFTER school (not my shift this morning). As I do my crosswalk stroll to get students across the street, they point out there is a man taking pictures. Walking graceful was not an option past that point and he came close and snap, snap, snap even getting in for closeups. Newspaper photographer extraordinare! He asked my name and position and I replied history teacher AND REALTOR. I could hear myself stressing that one. Any publicity, I"m-a-thinkin, may help a newbie! Conversation remains on Real Estate in our area, so don't know for sure how that story with pictures will turn out tomorrow. But I will let you know!