In today's real estate market it is important not to overlook relationship marketing. marketing and promotion is very important and should be utilized to its fullest extent....but for long-term connections and community branding I suggest nurturing your relationships with your neighbors, friends and family. Your next objective should be to become an active member of one or more professional organizations. Your membership will provide you with networking opportunities and help you keep up with professional trends. It will also help you to understand how other businesses work. In addition, you will meet new members of your community with whom you can help introduce your city. Develop relationships with major employers and city representatives as the "go to" person for relocation services. Join a non-profit organization that represents a cause you would like to support. Real estate professionals and non-profit agencies can work together to connect and serve the community. For example, you can sponsor a garage "block" sale within a neighborhood to raise money for breast cancer research. A final note is to remember to be consistent. Consistent contact with your sphere of influence and your referral base is the key to building your brand and feeling great about what you do for your community.