I'm finally getting a chance to blog about attending the Wyoming Association of Realtors Mid-winter legislative meetings in Cheyenne earlier this month. I always have a wonderful time at this meetings because it is a great mix of social andprofessional networking and politics. There is a lot of real estate related bills being dealt with this session but I just got word that we our Designated Agency bill passed and will soon be signed by the governer. This will allow individual agents in an office to represent opposite sides of the transaction. This is not being forced upon us but is being added as another option for representation if a broker should so choose to implement. If any of you have any words of wisdom in regard to designated agency I'd love to hear it.
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Homes Arizona Real Estate LLC - Mesa, AZ
Sarah, what a fun time. We have what is called Agency, which allows the buyer and seller to choose just how they will be represented. ;-)
Feb 27, 2009 09:01 AM