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Members: 38

Posts: 155

Founded: 09/21/2007

In a nut shell here are the key points in using us to expedite your next project: 1. saving 30%-40% in labor costs alone in speed of construction 2. upto 50% more efficient than stickframe 3. approximately 50% stronger than standard construction 4. termite resistant 5. manuf. warranty in writing of 20yrs 6. gauranteed permit 7. meets all local and national codes 8. 1 stop shopping! just send us your plans and we will respond with a quote including architectural, engineering, sheathing, and insulation all in our pricing! 9. HUGE TAX BREAKS ON GOING "GREEN" with this product being 100% environmentally friendly 10. dont have to worry about people taking from job sites as the peices come prepared to build that project only. please email me for info packet!!! it'll be the best money saver you ever inquired on!



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