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Real Estate Social Networking and Web 2.0 Technology - sponsored by Townizen.com

Members: 13

Posts: 15

Founded: 11/20/2008

Townizen.com's biggest mission is to connect real estate professionals to each other... and to the world. We've built a social network platform to connect all types of real estate proessionals, and we offer a suite of FREE online real estate tools to connect professionals to potential clients. We have a passion for Web 2.0...so join this group to discuss how we can pioneer Web 2.0 for the real estate industry together! We are constantly building more and more technology to keep our industry relevant to today's online world. This is a totally open group...ALL ideas welcome...free flow of information...discussions about other websites...updates about other technologies...whatever you want to talk about to help the community ROCK and be productive online! This is Web 2.0...let's connect!


Pat Cheung

Mortgage and Lending