texas coaching: Have a great day today and every day. - 11/24/08 01:43 AM
Good morning. Are you ready for great day? I know I am. Today I am going over my short term goals making sure they are tracking in the right direction toward my long term goals. Do you know what a goal really is? I have a simple definition I heard years ago. A goal is "A DREAM WITH A DEADLINE". Pretty good isn't it? I always thought so. I always start with the completed goal (dream) and work back to my present day. Then I set short term goals along the way to achieve the completed goal. To me it's like … (0 comments)

texas coaching: get active - 11/24/08 01:38 AM
Get Active                                       
Have a power snack!  It gives you the boost you need to get through your day.  Some examples I would recommend would be nuts, dried fruit, energy bars, protein shakes, yogurt with granola, or veggie sticks with fat-free ranch dressing.  This also gives your body the energy it needs to jump-start your metabolism, fuel for the brain to think clearly and overall good health. 
-Stephanie Sheffield
 What do you do to relax after a hard day at the office?  If you have children, then I'm sure you have an x-box, wii or … (0 comments)

texas coaching: Visualize your success - 11/17/08 07:44 AM
"A goal is just a dream with a deadline"
                                           ~Terry Miller
The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live.                                         Elbert Hubbard
    Do you visualize your success? If not, why not? If you do visualize your success then how do you visualize it? I have a vision board in my office and I love it. If you don't have a vision board you can see every day I recommend you make one as soon as possible. It's actually very fun and quite entertaining once you get started. Some people like to keep their … (2 comments)

texas coaching: Make the right choice - 11/17/08 07:41 AM
There are no classes in life for beginners: right away you are always asked to deal with what is most difficult.                                                                        ~Rainer Maria Rilke
   Did you know you have a choice every morning? You and only you can decide the mood or attitude you will have that day. Remarkable isn't it? I don't care if the kids are fighting or if your loving spouse left a towel on the bathroom floor. It's your choice to either laugh about it or blow a gasket. If I could give a small piece of advice, choose to laugh it off and be … (0 comments)

texas coaching: Be a winner - 11/17/08 07:39 AM
The fact is, that to do anything in the world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in and scramble through as well as we can.                                                                                                ~Robert Cushing
Let us strive to improve ourselves, for we cannot remain stationary; one either progresses or retrogrades.                                                                                             ~Mme. Du Deffand
One of the first things I usually say at the start of a motivational talk is "winners and losers are predetermined but only the winner knows it"!  I say this because I believe it with all my heart. A winner jumps into a … (1 comments)

texas coaching: Put some Systems in Place to work better. - 11/17/08 07:38 AM
If you are to be, you must begin by assuming responsibility.  You alone are responsible for every moment of your life, for every one of your acts.                                                                                                                             - Antoine de Saint-Exupery
A lot of the Real Estate books being written today are being written for agents that want to have a "TEAM or a "GROUP". Well, what if you want to be a successful individual agent? One of my favorite books is the "Millionaire Real Estate Agent" written by Gary Keller and Dave Jenks. In my opinion, this book deals with the best and only way to build a successful … (0 comments)

texas coaching: Lets get selling! - 11/17/08 07:36 AM
 Speaking of Barney Frank:
 Critics say such programs led to the mortgage meltdown that prompted last month's government takeover of Fannie Mae and its financial cousin, Freddie Mac. The giant firms are blamed for spreading bad mortgages throughout the private financial sector.
Although Frank now blames Republicans for the failure of Fannie and Freddie, he spent years blocking GOP lawmakers from imposing tougher regulations on the mortgage giants. In 1991, the year Moses was hired by Fannie, the Boston Globe reported that Frank pushed the agency to loosen regulations on mortgages for two- and three-family homes, even though they were defaulting … (0 comments)

texas coaching: We know what happened to the motgage industry. - 11/17/08 07:35 AM
      "The regulatory issues in the 1990s will not be limited to safety and soundness, but will increasingly emphasize fairness: whether or not banks are fulfilling the needs of their communities."
Lawrence B. LindseyMember, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Address to the California Bankers Association, May 11, 1992
                     In 1992, Congress mandated that Fannie and Freddie increase their purchases of mortgages for low-income and medium-income borrowers. Most importantly, Fannie Mae has agreed to buy more loans with very low down payments-or with mortgage payments that represent an unusually high percentage of a buyer's income. That's made banks willing to … (0 comments)

texas coaching: Service that listing - 11/17/08 07:33 AM
Now, let's address some other areas that in my experience are a waste of your financial resources and just as importantly your time. We do virtual tours but not videos of our listings. I have found 2 things to be true about virtual tours versus a video of a property. One, video has to be shot at such a low quality in order to load correctly from the internet on most computers that it simply looks bad and costs way too much for what you get. The second thing is that a virtual tour is made up of a large number … (0 comments)

texas coaching: You don't need to spend a bundle that no one will see! - 11/17/08 07:31 AM
"The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow". 
                                                                                                                                         ~Bill Gates
"Almost overnight, the Internet's gone from a technical wonder to a business must". 
                                                                                                                                         ~Bill Schrader
How do you market or advertise? Let me guess, every chance you get or can afford you buy a local add in a monthly real estate "rag" that sits at the car wash or the grocery store. Then you may even spend some money having pictures made for your yard signs. Some Realtors like to see their face on a billboard every day figuring that they have to see … (0 comments)

texas coaching: Take care of your business - 11/17/08 07:29 AM
The most important single central fact about a free market is that no exchange takes place unless both parties benefit.                                                                                                                                         Milton Friedman
Did I mention that I run a "for profit" business? That's right, I like to make money and I like to make new friends (by the way, I also like to spend it but that's another story all together). That really makes the real estate business a nice fit for me. Somewhere along the way in this world "profit" became a dirty, politicized word and that's plain wrong. If you give a product or service at … (0 comments)

texas coaching: Keep that energy up! - 11/17/08 07:27 AM
    At "Now What" and the Miller Team we thrive on education, motivation and energy. To be successful in any business but especially real estate you need an energy level that is off the charts high and positive. And no matter what bring that energy all day every day you work. I guarantee if you take a laid back or lazy attitude in the market you will get beat 99% of the time. A well educated, motivated Realtor with a high energy level will get that deal done and be on to the next one before you get out of bed. … (0 comments)

texas coaching: Today is your day! - 11/14/08 02:58 AM
Today is your day. I promise! Everyday is an opportunity made or lost. Never lose one ever again. Put on your favorite outfit and listen to your favorite CD this morning. Be ready to sell something right this minute and every minute thru out the whole day today. You've been waiting to put some leads in that email account and send them a short note introducing yourself, well today you're going to do it before lunch. When you finish that, write ten hand written notes to old friends about anything but Real Estate. Then before you mail them drop in a … (1 comments)

texas coaching: FOCUS - 11/14/08 02:56 AM
I hope everyone remembers the deodorant commercial that said "never let them see you sweat". I personally loved it. In Real Estate you deal with more personalities than you could ever imagine or invent in your mind. Other agents are constantly trying to test you or get you out of your comfort zone, or in other words "make you sweat".  But your sole focus should always be on your customer, not the ego on the other side of the table. It always amazes me that a large majority of REALTORS take personally negotiations. Don't forget you work for the customer and … (0 comments)

texas coaching: What are you doing right now, to succeed? - 11/14/08 02:55 AM
Everyone has heard the expression "today is the first day of the rest of your life". We have all heard it time and time again and yet have any of us actually lived like it truly was the first day of the rest of our life. What are you doing today, right now; this second to ensure you will succeed the rest of your life? Ok you got me a little, I mean besides reading this. Are you helping with your son's or daughter's little league practice. Maybe you have a great book to read that will motivate you or even … (0 comments)

texas coaching: How to give great service! - 11/14/08 02:53 AM
Good morning. One thing a lot of business owners forget about is customer service. Today I would like to share with everyone something that happened to me several years ago when I lived in Fort Worth, Texas. Today I only carry Samsonite luggage and it all stems from the service I got from a young woman in the Denver service center. You see for years I carried a gray fold out type garment bag all over the world. I could literally pack everything I needed in that bag and a briefcase and take off. Well after 8 years or so it … (0 comments)

texas coaching: Are you ready to succeed today! - 11/14/08 02:51 AM
Good morning. Are you ready to succeed today? If you're reading this I know you are. I want you to know that your ready and you will succeed. Today lets both wear our favorite outfit and our best looking name badge and pass out ten business cards to people we have never seen before. I am going to do it with you. When we buy that soft drink or coffee this morning we are going to give the clerk a smile and a thank you along with a card and a "see you tomorrow". That clerk is just finishing up a … (0 comments)

texas coaching: You are the most important tool in your Business! - 11/14/08 02:48 AM
Sales & Marketing
By: Terry Miller
What is the most important tool in your business? You might think it's your listing presentation or even your data base of customers. Both are right up there in terms of importance but they fall just a bit short of the most important. By now I hope you have figured it out but if not I will tell you. IT'S YOU!!! That's right it is you. I write and say this a lot but I can't stress enough how important "you" are to your success. All the systems and marketing won't do a thing … (0 comments)

texas coaching: Push Yourself! - 11/14/08 02:45 AM
Do you just exist or are you pushing yourself to succeed and achieve? Everyone at some time in their life feels like they are just existing or in other words they're in a rut. At times this can be comfortable and cozy but, is it really what you need? I know if everything is comfortable and cozy I am in trouble. My late father used to say "do something, even if you do it wrong". I generally live by the axiom that if it feels good and goes according to plan it's against company policy. Nobody ever got off the couch … (0 comments)

texas coaching: You have a choice! - 11/14/08 02:43 AM
By: Terry Miller
I have a question for you. How do you wake up every morning? Are you a grouch? Or, are you happy and ready for a great day? You do know you have a choice, don't you? I choose to get up and welcome the day and you should to.  You can do more business before 10:00 AM than you realize.  So make a positive choice and you will beat the competition every time. If you make a positive choice every chance you get during the day you will continually beat the competition month in and month out.