income limits: How Much Money Is Too Much Money To Qualify For A USDA Loan In Arizona? - 02/02/11 05:41 AM
Do You Make Too Much Money To Qualify For A USDA Loan In Arizona?
While the USDA Loan does not have a maximum loan size they do have a maximum qualifying income limit.
People ask me all the time, what are the income limits for the USDA Loan.  So let’s take a moment and define really quickly what an income limit is.  The USDA defines income limit as the Adjusted Household Annual income, that's it.
Did you catch that?  There is an important point there that many people naturally overlook, it’s the Household Annual Income.
What that means is that … (0 comments)

Paul Dunn, former orginator

Paul Dunn

former orginator

Tucson, AZ

More about me…

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