short refinance fha secure mortgage loans adjustable rate foreclosure: Short Refinance FHA Secure Saves Another Home From Foreclosure - 07/07/08 04:05 AM
I just wanted to share my most recent success in providing a short refinance. 
About two months ago I received a call from a gentleman who was upside down on his home that he had owned for the last 5 years.  He owed $468,000 with an adjustable rate mortgage for a first and a HELOC  with a 14.5% rate.  He had showed me a spreadsheet he made that showed since his Adjustable Rate Mortgage had reset, that his ENTIRE monthly paycheck was going out to his mortgage.  There was nothing left over and so they started using credit cards to buy the necessities.

Paul Dunn, former orginator

Paul Dunn

former orginator

Tucson, AZ

More about me…

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