People are often times put off when I introduce myself as an Interior Designer/artist/feng shui student/home staging instructor (not necessarily in that order). They actually take a step back especially here in the small town of Selma CA.
"I Color YOUR World" really says it all for me. Pleople want to know HOW?
Finding a simple and understandable one liner to identify ones profession is a thrill and what a lucky find and solution to a common problem when I came across the following article. Please pass it could make introductions more enjoyable and colorful for all of us.
Please share us know what you come up with for yourself or any profession for that matter!
Double Your Income With an Unlimited Number of Highly-Qualified Prospects For Free
By: Raymond Aaron
The way to get an unlimited number of highly-qualified prospects for free anytime you wish as often as you wish for the rest of your working life ... is easy and it really is free and anyone can do it. You don't buy anything from me or anyone. You just change the wording of how you introduce yourself! Let me explain ...
The boring way to introduce yourself (which everyone now uses) goes like this: "I am an electrician". What is wrong with this? Firstly, it does not increase your business so why bother saying it. And, it has two errors in it:
1.The first error is that it uses the word "a" or "an" which means that you are just one of many -- indistinguishable and uninteresting.
2.The second error is that you state what you do so that there is no mystery, no excitement.
Here's how you create excitement and have people WANTING more details.
Introduce yourself using the following guidelines:
1. introduce yourself by saying WHAT THEY GET not WHAT YOU DO
2. introduce yourself by creating QUESTIONS not ANSWERS
3. introduce yourself by saying "you" in the sentence 4.introduce yourself by being BRIEF.
Here are some examples:
BAD ........... I am an electrician GREAT ...... I check your shorts!
BAD ........... I am a professional speaker GREAT ...... I double your income!
BAD ........... I am an interviewer GREAT ...... I mail millionaires to your door!
BAD ........... I am a Feng Shui consultant GREAT ...... I color your world!
BAD ........... I am a photographer GREAT ...... I shoot you!
BAD ........... I am a therapist GREAT ...... I get into your head!
BAD ........... I am a dietician GREAT ...... I feed you healthy junk food!
Get the picture? Now, create one for yourself and send it to me by typing it in a comment to this article.
Do you have the courage to use this fascinating way to introduce yourself? Most people don't. I encourage you to develop a fascinating way to introduce yourself and then practice on family members until you are strong enough to do it in the world. Best of success. It works.
Author Resource:-> Raymond Aaron,New York Times Top Ten Bestselling Author, "Double Your Income Doing What You Love" published by John Wiley and Sons, New York City.
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Thank you Raymond!