One of the TOP highlights of the #140tc LA Twitter Conference was the speech by Tony Robbins. I heard that he is a phenomenal speaker but I didn't have a clue about his resume. I'll include a snapshot from his personal bio:
Anthony Robbins
World Authority on Leadership Psychology
For the past three decades, Anthony Robbins has served as an advisor to leaders around the world. A recognized authority on the psychology of leadership, negotiations, organizational turnaround, and peak performance, he has been honored consistently for his strategic intellect and humanitarian endeavors.
Robbins has met with, consulted, or advised international leaders including Nelson Mandela, Mikhail Gorbachev, Margaret Thatcher, Francois Mitterrand, Princess Diana, and Mother Teresa. He has consulted members of two royal families, members of the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Army, the U.S. Marines and three U.S. Presidents, including Bill Clinton.
Wow! I'm sure that not all of our attendees realized how incredibly blessed we were to have him in our presence. I remember attempting to explain to a few people in my immediate area that weren't very familiar with him. I will post a few quotes from him and add a few concepts that he shared that really exemplify ways to grow your business.
Ok, can you see me in the front row in the green? That's me, front row and ready to go! Where's Waldo? I mean, Where's Naomi? :) Here are a few quotes that he shared during our conference:
"Our culture is on the surface but we need to go deeper in our relationships" Tony Robbins
"As a leader, you have to see life better than it is which is VISION" Tony Robbins
"Business is just motivation and marketing" Peter Drucker via Tony Robbins _______________________________________________________________________________________
He shared that there are two mental states in which we operate on a consistent basis. Our moment to moment state can change under different circumstances numerous times in a given period. Our long term blueprint is who we are as a person or a business which coincides with our brand. These are the two forces that influence our decision making process.
This led into using your blueprint to grow your business. There are
3 Ways to Grow a Business
1. Increase your number of clients.
2. Increase the average transaction value.
3. Increase the frequency of repurchase.
I think we as a company have done a great job with #3. Increase the number of repurchase clients. We have had many clients that bought their 1st home with us, refinanced with us and bought their investment home with us as well.
The main area that I'm working on personally is to increase my number of clients in the realm of social media marketing for real estate and mortgage professionals. It's been amazing the number of people that are very interested in this area of marketing for their business.
Which area do you need to grow in the most in your business? Be sure to leave your answer in the comments below!