Will the new market pass us by while we are still crying about how easy it was and should be? While we wait for "NORMAL" to return?
AMAX Real Estate - Springfield, MO
REALTORĀ® Serving Springfield, Nixa and Ozark, MO
Hmm...interesting point. There are so many agents bailing out of the business right now because they have found that it's not as EASY. Being a Realtor is hard work, but the market made it easy for us during the bubble. I think somewhere between the 2005 market and today's market is the "normal." I can't wait to see that.
Nov 15, 2009 01:53 PM
Top Agent Serving Dighton Taunton, Rehoboth and more! - Taunton, MA
Top Agent Taunton,Dighton Rehoboth &more
I missed the boat on the "easy" market. I don't know any different and having the time of my life!
Nov 15, 2009 01:56 PM