There is nothing more depressing and at the same time reassuring as going to a local meeting of realtors only to hear all about the gloom and doom of the market and how bad we are all suffering and how bad the market is. I have been hearing that for the past 18 months, and they can continure to stay at home adn pout about it. That is fine with me. Run yourself out of the business and increase my market share. I do not understand the inability to adapt.
I do no REO work (thought I wanted to and quickly changed my mind), do not specialize in short sales (see previous comment on REO work), and I am very busy and looking for an assistant to help me keep up with what is going on. I am not far at all from the Fort Bragg, and Fayetteville area, and also about teh same distance from the Raleigh and Triangle area, and when the market throws you a curve ball you do just like all great batters do, you adjust! There is so much potential in these markets and so many sellers and builders looking for motivated Realtors that I do not understand the pessimism of so many of my fellow agents.
The government may have declared there is a recession but I just decided not to participate. I think that many of our local Realtors are killing their own business by looking to the news and media which is the ultimate breeding ground for gloom and doom, and they are forgetting to look into their own communities. If business is slow, then get out of the office and quit sitting around waiting for the phone to ring. If you have down time, then take this time to give back to your communities in real ways that show that you are in it with them (and I am talking about more than a donation). Lose your negative attitudes and look at how great of a world we live in. Markets are cyclical and will return. This is the perfect time to be positioning yourself, instead of doing business the way it has always been done. When client numbers do drop, that is the perfect time to build even stronger relationships with clients to build your referral network.
The world is a great place. Our nation is a great place. I am not talking about politics, but the fabric of our nation. It is full of opportunity, but in order to capitalize on that we have to do our part also. We are the real estate experts. We are the people that our friends and neighbors look to for information on the real estate market. If all we do is sit around and complain about how bad it is, our very words are dragging down the market and making things worse. As an industry we need to decide to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem. Convince yourself how good a day it is going to be instead of wondering why you should get out of bed and see if that alone doesn't make the day a little better.
Your reality is what you make it. Remember everything you experience in this world is in same way a response to a choice you made. There is absolutely nothing we can do about the past that will change it, so why continue to waste time worrying about it. Energy forward because the future is all that we have in store for us.
And if you believe this market is bad and not worth working, then please send me any referrals you have for the Fayetteville and Fort Bragg area as well as Harnett County and Raleigh area.