Staging is for selling. Please don't be offended by the suggestions
that your Home Stager or Real Estate Sales Representative make.
How you live, how you decorate your home is your choice alone.
A home should reflect its family, their likes and preferences.
When a Home Stager suggests that you remove several pieces of
furniture and put them into storage...this is very common. Don't
take it personally; it usually has nothing to do with the furniture itself.
The reasoning is to show off your rooms, their size, and their features
so that they show their best. Buyers are not buying your belongings,
they are buying the house, so we what to show it off.
The Home Stager is looking at your house through the eyes of the most
discriminating buyer and will notice things that you don't. You live in the
house every day, it has sentimental value, memories and you just get
used to small irregularities and don't notice them any more. So when
the Home Stager recommends repairs, color changes, the removal or
replacing of specific items, don't take it personally. It's the Home Stager's
job to see these things and mention them for your attention. Many times
it is not because they are right or wrong, it is because it's the way that
Buyers have become accustomed to expect homes on the market to look.
So love your treasures that you have collected over the years, and don't
be offended if it is suggested you put them away and pack them up to
take to your new home. These are the special irreplaceable souvenirs,
treasures and keepsakes that will make your new house special and
turn it into your home.
Lydia Pollard
Owners Pride Home Staging & Design
Serving Mississauga, Oakville, Brampton, Milton & Etobicoke in Ontario, Canada
Agents, If you are interested in Home Staging articles to use in newsletters,
emails, on your website, etc., you are welcome to use my articles at as long as they are left intact including full text,
contact information and link to my website.
Isn't it amazing how often a client will get offended by even the simplest suggestions. I just remind them that I am working for them, not against them. One client of mine had a southwestern style complete, furnishings and home decor in the front entry of the home, and it went straight to a red, white and blue Americana style in the back part of the home...needless to say, once the seller listened to my suggestion and had it painted to a more neutral style the seller's got an offer right away and closed 30 days later.
Hi Lydia- No one shoud be offended. After all, how we live and how we live if we want to sell, are two different lifestyles for most peope!
I couldn't agree more. People do take things amazingly personally. What people need to realize is that we want properties the least amount of time for the largest net to the seller. That really is our goal. Any suggestions are to further that goal.