
Give Thanks and Transform Your Life!

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Coldwell Banker Choice Realty

Giving Thanks and Being Grateful Transforms our Lives

   There's been a lot of information written on Giving Thanks and Gratitude in the last couple of years.   Most people  celebrate Thanksgiving yearly as is the custom, and of course giving thanks is always a good thing.  But, when we give thanks each and every day, we can transform our lives   
Let us give thanks daily throughout the entire year.  If people wait until only one day each year, they might be so down and depressed that they might not be able to remember what they are thankful for.  I am not taking anything away from Thanksgiving, because as was already mentioned, any day a person spends giving thanks is a good day, but, let's work on giving thanks each and every single day.   
Why Give Thanks or be Grateful Each Day?      
UC Davis psychology professor Robert Emmons has researched "thanksgiving."    
This study has shown that people who count their blessings -- not just on the fourth Thursday of November each year, but in daily gratitude journals- exercise more regularly, complain of fewer illness symptoms and feel better about their lives overall.  In other words they express more wellness, happiness and a complete sense of well being. 

for the Rest of the Story:

Good Health to You,

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GARY DIGIORGIO -Denver- Arvada -Westminster
THE DIGIORGIO GROUP /(303) 898 - GARY (4279) - Westminster, CO
REOptions LLC

hey .....thanks....good post..

Dec 03, 2009 08:14 AM