
Why the Window for Selling Your Home is Closing Quickly

Services for Real Estate Pros with Shorewest Realtors

In this 2 minute video Dan Ludwig describes why, if you are thinking of selling your home in the next 12-18 months, you need to do it today!


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Michael Collins
*ROCK REALTY|Broker|Realtor|Real Estate|WI Short Sale Agent* - Janesville, WI
CDPE, SFR , Wisconsin Short Sale Specialist Realto

Haven't heard from you in awhile Becky.  Checking in to see how things are going :)

May 28, 2010 09:24 AM
Not a real person
San Diego, CA
If we can convince people to buy a home, live in it, raise a family in it, retire in it, and even die in it, the real estate market and the general economy will be better off.
Jun 11, 2010 11:51 PM