Looks like the new health care bait and switch is going to pass! Hard to believe anybody would fall for that basket of hodge podge but looks like we're getting it put to us!!
What's it going to do to the Real Estate business? Who knows! We've already seen quite a slow down in moderate priced, and upper end housing sales. They keep touting that they are "doing this one for the American People"! Well that may be true for those American people who are sitting around waiting on hand outs, but for those of us who work our butts off to make a living it will be another way for the government to get into our pockets and take some more of our hard earned money to hand out to those who don't pay taxes, don't work, don't intend to work......well, you get the idea!
What a fiasco! Another reason for those who would otherwise be purchasing homes, to wait and see! Just what we in the real estate business need more of!! Thanks congress!......Again!!