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Coaching Tip August 28, 2010

Education & Training with RE/MAX Eastern Realty Inc. Brokerage RECO #4724381

Working with Buyers (4)

What does the buyers home search process look like?

    * Median number of weeks searched: 10
    * Median number of homes seen:  10

How much time are you spending with your buyers?  If you're spending more than 10 weeks with a buyer are they a real buyer or someone wasting your valuable time?

The length of the typical home search rose from eight weeks in 2007 to ten weeks in 2008. During the search for a home, buyers viewed a median of ten homes before making a purchase.

Among buyers who used a real estate sales representative / broker when searching for and purchasing a home, the median length of the total search was ten weeks.  before contacting the sales representative / broker, these buyers typically searched for two weeks.  The median length of the home search for first-time buyers is 12 weeks.  First-time buyers also searched for a somewhat longer period before contacting an sales representative / broker.

    * What kind of qualification process are you using before you work with a buyer?
    * Did you make an appointment with a qualified Mortgage Broker?
    * Do you feel like you are a professional tour guide or taxi driver?
    * Do you have a buyer that you've shown over 30 homes and they haven't made a buying decision?
    * Do you really know what their wants and needs are?

The goal is in better qualifying your buyers and provide showing/selling strategies so that your time is more productive.

Your next tip, I will discuss call conversion.

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Constantine Isslamow

Broker of Record / Mortgage Broker

CENTURY 21 United Realty Inc. Brokerage.

Independently Owned & Operated

CENTUM Core Financial Inc. Brokerage License #: 10642 Constantine Isslamow License#: M08005391

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