
Ad Network and supportive Rainers

Real Estate Agent

I was just reading over the comments on the featured post by Paul Francis about ActiveRain's new ad network and I would like to thank all of the members of our community for being so supportive of this new endeavor of ours.  I think it is important that I let everyone know that before we decided to create this ad network we put a lot of thought into the impact it would cause on our members.  We know how hard everyone here works to create world class content for consumers and other professionals and we would never do anything to marginalize that work.

I also wanted to respond to the members that have offered to pay a monthly or yearly fee for access to this site.  While the offer is more than generous, we committed early on to not charge our members for basic access to the site, and we intend to keep that promise.

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Jon Washburn
Seattle, WA

Thanks Jon,

My post above was not about our members buying ads.  It was about our community's receptiveness to even allowing the ads on our site at all.  Buying ads should strictly be a business decision and I would expect our members to only buy ads if it makes financial sense for them. 

Sep 08, 2007 03:09 PM