Jim - I love finding posts like yours here. They inform me and in this case could save me a lot of grief, or worse! Thanks! I am off to check my heater...
Jim, good post---I still find a fair number of these too. Even if you see ones that look "newer" from this time period it is a good idea to look a little closer as I have found old recalled ones with new covers on them.
Garrigus- There is definetly a wealth of information in this group.
Li- Thanks, You and I are in a prime part of the world to see these offeners.
Charles- ooh, that is very tricky Charles! I always remove the covers and have not seen this yet but I will look from now on!
Jim-great information for all home owners. Many people do not know about the recall. Thanks for providing such good information, as usual.
Just stopping by to invite you to the 2nd Annual ActiveRain Super Bowl Party. Hope you’ll come and bring some friends!
That freaks me out! I have a couple "zone" heaters in my house. You are welcome to come to any dinner party with your screwdriver and tell me if I'm going to burn my house down. And clean them every month? Yikes... I think ours are going on 5 years old and I've cleaned them every...never. I'll add it to my honey-do list. Thanks for the post Jim. And MISS you! Haven't seen you in ages.