So you just closed on your new home and the seller handed you your new house keys at the closing table.
What is the first thing you should do with them?
Throw them all into the nearest trash can!
You should then call a reputable locksmith and have all the exterior doors re-keyed; here's why.
When your house was on the market for sale you have no idea who and how many people had access to your new home and the keys; Realtors, workers, maids, and a long list of others.
Additionally it's a common practice for homeowner to give a spare key to family members, neighbors, co-workers, or other assorted family & friends.
To make sure your new home is safe and secure I always recommend that my new homeowners get their locks re-keyed. On my website at a section titled "Moving In" there are a list of area professionals I have had a long association with and recommend; one of them is "Larry's Lock & Key".
For less than a hundred bucks Larry or one of his traveling locksmiths will come to your new home, re-key all the locks, and cut you new keys. I had them re-key all of my exterior doors so one key operates them all which reduces the number of keys I have to deal with.
One last tip; for goodness sake please don't hide one of your new keys outside the house "in case" you get locked out. Burglars make it their business to know where people hide keys; it's their job to know stuff like that.