
Why? Success tip #5

Real Estate Broker/Owner with Exit One Realty - Denver 130401


What a question. Why? How many times have we put that question to our children, Our spouse, our broker the other brokers in the office? You know - Why did you do that? Why do I have to do that? Why am I doing that? The list goes on and on.

How about we look at it from a little different perspective. Are your "Whys" big enough? Could you use a close examination of your Whys? It can help in this business and in life. Lets start from the point of a very basic Why? Why are you doing what you are doing, or just Why are you selling Real Estate? Is it because you want a better life, more money, freedom, a sense of accomplishment? The list goes on, but do you have the answer? By that I mean, have you taken the time to examine Why you do the things that you do? I don't mean a cursory glance, I mean a careful and thorough examination of Why?

Ask any high producer or successful person Why they do what they do and what do you think the answer will be. How many do you think will say "not sure" or "heck if I know"? My guess is none. High producers not only know the Why, the Why is a almost always a big Why. " I work diligently every day because I am committed to being the very best I can possibly be" or "To be the very best I have to work harder and smarter than other agents? Do those sound like little Whys? Big achievers don't have little Whys.

Here are a few Whys you might want to investigate:

Why do I work/not work on week ends?

Why am I selling real estate?

Why am I leading/not leading the office in sales?

Why do I procrastinate?

Why am I ignoring the most important people in my life? ( hint - they are not in the office)

Why is my life out of / or in, Balance?

You get the idea. Your Whys are your drivers, the bigger the Whys the greater the motivation. You determine your Whys, your Broker doesn't, Your Spouse doesn't, you do. Don't short change yourself, examine your Whys and make sure they are big enough to provide you with the life style you want and deserve.

Why these tips? Because, after 38 years and marketing/selling over three thousand homes sharing the lessons learned seems to be the right thing to do.

Posted by


Steve & Diane Cramer


Past Presidents - North Metro Denver Association of Realtors

Broker Owners - Exit One Realty