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Writers Who Weave Wondrous Wefts~Which Only The Heart Can Fully Understand

Industry Observer

The steady sound of ice and plastic reacting together,  disturbs me from a muffled dream of far off lands that somehow seem familiar. The warmth of the cocoon that is my bed, piled high with wool and sherpa blankets, cushions my bones as I roll over to gaze at the tall west window.

Yes, morning light is casting itself across a white, reflective landscape as long fingers of luminescence reach my groggy brain and sleepy eyes.

It's morning. The moon still sits low over the tall, old east hill tree-tops and as thoughts of every part of my current life begin to take their seats once more in the theatre of my conscious mind, I throw back the heavy covers and move slowly to the edge of the old spool bed. 

Turning the thermostat dials to the 'comfort zones', I continue on with my morning rituals.  Then back to the computer, to answer comments, to read emails, to prioritize my Saturday tasks and things I want to do.

As I read through the night's comments that have been left on my blog by distant friends while I slept, I am reminded of the old story of The Elves and  The Shoemaker
The Elves making their nightly appearances to help the shoemaker in his tasks. 

There is a comment from Carole and as I read through the latest posts at the Inspiration Group, I notice a new book meme by Linda Scanlan.  My brain is jogged into associative zone and reminds me of the book meme Carole recently tagged on me.

 I make no bones about the fact that one of the greatest loves of my life has always been, and always will be, books. I love how they look, how they feel, the mysteries that each one holds, and how they can take me to another world, another city of new ideas and revelations, another part of that human mystery that is there for all mankind to access.

Of course, writing about books is something I enjoy almost as much as reading them, holding them, admiring them. I feel a tingle as I recall the first time I discovered the integral nature of each new book and the secret magic it held within it's depths.
This evasive magic was revealed to me through a strange and synergistic dance between the neurons of two beings; the writer and myself, the reader.

Book memes are a very special part of Active Rain. They allow us a glimpse into the unique nature of each of those we call our friends, our acquaintances and perhaps, we get a tiny hint of who a stranger is when we first discover them via a book meme they have written.

There are book memes of a spiritual nature. There are book memes of a business nature. There are book memes of a fictional nature. Then of course, there are the majority of book memes, those that are an eclectic mix of all themes and mostly tell us a great deal of who the writer is, afterall , these are the books that have imprinted themselves most strongly in this blogger's cerebral files to lay in wait til one day, someone asks them to write a book meme.

 Do you have a child's heart? Yes, of course you do. We all do and there is no other time than during the Christmas season when we become once more aware of our child's heart. It still beats there, deep within the grunge of the years and life's tribulations. It is as new and as fresh as the day it was born, the day it was crafted by the Great Mystery itself.

You see, a heart never grows old. It's impossible for a heart to grow old, for it's integral nature is composed of the finest of silken and delicate strings that flutter so easily in all of the soft nuances that are to be found in the life of the creature it inhabits.

Your heart sees, your heart knows, and your heart always remembers, always, and it never grows old, for it is a part of that timelessness that is the universe itself.

This book meme, therefore, is one written by my heart. I'll let my heart recall the books that were written for it, the books that held a tiny shard of universal magic and wisdom wrapped in shimmering gold light that threatened to disappear if I held it too tightly while unwrapping it.

Some gifts have to be held very gently and opened so softly and with such dexterity and tenderness that only that which is intangible can open them. Some gifts can only be opened with the heart and once opened, only understood by the heart. 

These are the books that held gifts that were opened by my heart, and once opened, placed before me like a never-ending feast on a long table that stretched forth into a place where the word 'end' had never been coined , and therefore was not known.

These are the books that hold the magic of the universe and are there for your heart to open and feast upon forever more.

Give a gift of timelessness this Christmas season. Give one of these books to someone whose life you wish to touch in a very special way and in so doing, you will have crafted a timeless dance of beauty and magic between three ageless hearts, the writer's, the gift recipient's and your own.

 The most captivating treasure trove of bottomless wisdom and little gifts, that are only found during subsequent, repetitive readings, The Little Prince remains at the top of my 'Books from the Realm of Magic' category. Antoine de Saint Exupery wrote this book in the early 1940s and it may come as a surprise to you, that this most magical book was written while Antoine was staying in  The Bevin House in Asharoken, New York, on Long Island.

If you buy one book this year, for a child, for a loved one, for a Grandmother, for a brother, for someone you barely know, let it be this one.
When you go to the bookstore, or order online through one of the many online book purveyors, add an extra copy to the list and wrap it up for a very special person, one who is with you through thick and thin and could benefit greatly from this story.

When you are addressing the gift tag, lovingly print your name next to the 'To' and place it under your tree.

All hearts yearn for the colourful jewels that lay buried between the pages of this tiny and timeless little book and yours is no exception.

To give you a tiny idea of what lays hidden, often unseen by the naked eye, in the pages of this book, I quote Antoine himself from his dedication on the first few pages ~'All grown-ups were once children...although few of them remember it.'

And remember, this is a book that your heart will read and in so doing, you will be reminded once more that your heart is ageless and that you yourself exist in a timeless world and are therefore not part of the limited time that  appears to exist here in this realm.

There is a great tug-of-war going on within my heart itself. It can't make up it's mind which book it loves the most, The Little Prince, or this next book I will discuss. I've taken this story from a blog I wrote previously since I have no other way of telling this story, other than how I've already told it. 

When I was very young, perhaps 4 or 5, I got into trouble my first
week in school. My vice was an overactive imagination and a love for story books.
When Mrs. Greene told us it was time for our 'naps', I would gather up my pink, wool, Hudson's Bay Blanket that my Mother had embroidered my name on, and settle down on the waxed, linoleum floor as close as I could to the bookshelf.
Then I would lay co-operatively down and half-close my eyes as I feigned sleep, while keeping one eye slightly open as I watched for Mrs. Greene to turn her back on us.

As soon as she made her way back to her desk and appeared to be engrossed in her piles of paperwork, I would begin my journey.
One inch at a time, I would slide my blanket silently over to the bookshelf, keeping an eye on Mrs. Greene the whole time, until I could reach out and remove my favourite book off the shelf.

 That book was The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis.
I would lay on my kindergarten, pink blanket and read my favourite parts of the book silently to myself. This worked for a number of days, or at least I thought it was working.

Then one day Mrs. Greene stood towering above me and with an angry voice told me to put the book away and go back to my spot and have my nap.  I was devastated; not so much at her admonishment, but that my favourite world of Mr. Tumnus and his cosy little cave and Lucy and her adventures in Narnia had been closed off to me.

The book stayed in the deep recesses of my heart throughout the past 44 years and never once have I stopped believing  that old  wardrobes filled with dusty fur coats in rambling old country homes held secret , snowy worlds of lamp-posts and creatures whose hearts were larger than the universe itself.

Every misty lamp-post casting it's glow through a shroud of snowflakes on a misty evening, brings me back to Narnia and the world I fell in love with so long ago.

Buy this book for all of the children on your list. Read it to them bit by bit each night and be transported to a world of friendly beavers and Aslan, the lion, who houses the heart of the universe, itself.

This next book is so rich in delicious
ideas that were it to be a dessert, it
would be the most decadent and rich, chocolate torte ever made.

It would be set forth before us on a delicate Wedgwood china plate, the pattern called Tintern, white with a painting of beautiful wildflowers and natures flying jewels, butterflies, gracing it's centre.

As you pick up the tiny silver dessert fork you've been given, and begin to partake of the tiniest piece, you will know that you are onto something so very special and wonderful, that you will want it to last forever. And so it will.

This book holds so many secrets and treasures that encompass the living of a most beautiful and worthy life, you will want to savour it throughout the remainder of your time here on earth.

I recommend you buy it for each client as they move into their new home and most definitely for every one of the women in your lives who care about the little things, the special moments, the details, the tangibles that hold gifts so dear to your heart that they cast an intangible magic moment into your life each time you behold them.

Alexandra Stoddard wrote one of the most elegant and timeless books of classical wisdom and grace when she wrote  Living A Beautiful Life and everyone who appreciates the nuances and small details that make up the tapestry of beauty in our larger lives, will appreciate this book immensely.

Make sure to buy a copy for yourself and save it for those moments when you need to be reminded of how beautiful life really is.

In 1993 a gifted writer, James Redfield,  put words to paper and revealed to us
something the universe had shown him. The book he wrote is called The Celestine Prophecy and once you've read it, you will never look upon the world, the people in it, nor yourself the same again.

If you are a person of conscience, you will begin to examine every action you have deliberately taken that has affected another person either negatively or positively and you will begin to see that you are more powerful than you ever dared to imagine.

If you are familiar with the butterfly effect, you will integrate the two theories and see that every single interaction you have with all of life around you, has either a negative, positive or neutral outcome on the energy and therefore the integral being of that with which you are interacting.

Beings of conscious, positive choice, will stop, before 'doing', and take time to consider whether or not they are affecting the greater universe negatively or positively by the action they are about to take.

You have a choice, you always have a choice, make it the right one. You are creating the universe with your every action, you are powerful and magical and what you to do today will have wide reaching consequences which you may never know of, but you will be greatly responsible for, never-the-less.
This is a book for all of the teenagers on your list and for anyone you know who has not yet read it.

By giving this book, you will help to bring the planet to a place of greater peace and kinder interactions which have wide-reaching repercussions. A book of ancient secrets only because they were long forgotten by mankind and hushed in those who still remembered them.

You have this magic within yourself and remembering what it is and how to use it, is your responsibility and right as a being who has been given the gift of awareness here and now.

There are two writers who are able to take the everyday and weave irridescent threads of mystery and things which only the heart understands into their books and stories. To say I admire these two would be a sad and incorrect understatement.  They have that rare and magical gift which so few writers have and who fewer still make use of.

 They are weavers of magic through the written word, transcribers of the invisible pieces of chaos that travel the holograms of the universe's 'non-time' until they engage in the receptive mind of 'one who can receive'.

These rare individuals who have the 'receivers' of the universe's wisdom and rarer still, are able to transcribe it into patterns which we, the readers, understand, are often-times happen-chance finds, unless we are lucky enough to have someone recommend we read their stories and books.

Timothy Findley
has written numerous books on so many subjects and each story he writes has more written between the lines, than within the words themselves.

He is a synergistic word-crafter whose weaving of words produces a gift that carries the reader into a hidden world beyond the words that are visible upon the pages of his books. For starters, I recommend a book of his short stories called 'Stones'.  

For those who enjoy a writer who is capable of interweaving magic into the human
condition and setting it down upon the page in a way that makes us stop to consider each new idea as it is put forth, Ursula K. LeGuin is an author who you must read.

Many of her stories have a science fictiony twist to them and yet, you are able to see how the unusual nature of what she is portraying, actually takes place in life around you in an allegorical way.

When reading her stories your heart stretches out and puts it's feet up on an ancient, battered stool as it settles into an overstuffed, old chair that has been waiting , fireside, just for you to arrive. Once again, I recommend one of her collections of short stories as a starting point~ Orsinian Tales.

If you have a teenager or know of someone who enjoys books with a twist of unexpected imaginative turns, pick up this timeless collection of written jewels and wrap it up for a gift they're not likely to soon forget.

If I had the rest of the day to write about books that my heart has understood and hung onto over time, I may be able to come up with a handful more, however the day is waning on and I have lots of tasks to get to yet. Ok....who will I meme with my magic meme wand for the next book memes....let's see...

How's about

Bill Cherry

Kathy Clulow

Marg Scheben-Edey 

Laurie Mindnich








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There You ARE!  I've Been Waiting For You!!!
Let's Get to Know One-Another:


Trace Galle
Designs by Trace - Kelowna, BC

Hi Jo,

You are welcome! 

Trying to get ready for Christmas....I have tons of baking to do!! I am doing a little extra this year. The weather is damn cold!! I was thought we would have a warmer winter this year but not to be! How about you, are you ready for Christmas and the weather there?

Oh I am sure Santa will be stopping by Chapters.....if not he better not come home!! teehee Have a great day!

Nov 27, 2007 12:59 AM
Jo-Anne Smith
Oakville, ON

Good morning Trace !

I love baking....nothing better than a warm and cosy home where scents of chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven waft through the air...or banana bread (always works to help sell a house) or apple pie.

I'll likely bake some cookies to send to my sons in Kelowna and some to have on hand for holiday guests. Guaranteed I won't be eating any, due to my gluten allergy, however that just means they'll stick around longer !

I may even make Willa's fruitcake recipe again this year. Do you ever bake fruitcake? If you don't like fruitcake, I guarantee that you would love Willa's fruitcake...it's the absolute best and everyone loves it. Perfect with a steaming cup of hazelnut coffee.

The weather is wonderful here. It's very mild and springlike...5 C today. After my office meeting and house tour, I visited my favourite local nursery and picked up my pink poinsettia. I buy one every year. Don't you just love all the shades of pink and red and variegations thereof that Poinsettias come in now?

I'm about to have some brunch and then get busy putting my tree up and doing some decorating.

I hope you have a wonderful day too !



Nov 27, 2007 01:44 AM
Tom Plant
WINEormous.com - Murrieta, CA
Jo - I think I did hear that, yes.
Nov 27, 2007 06:47 AM
Trace Galle
Designs by Trace - Kelowna, BC

Hi Jo,

Were you at my house this afternoon?? lol I was baking oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and oatmeal raisin cookies this afternoon. These are for us. I will start my Christmas baking after this weekend. I am in the planning stages right now, I like to make some old favorites and some new ones. That is too bad that you have a gluten allergy do you do gluten free baking? There are times when I wish I had allergies to desserts!! My biggest downfall!! The only thing that sticks around here is to my hips!!! .) I have had fruitcake and did not like it then I had one that I really did like it was a lighter colored one and did not have the peel in it. No, I have never baked one, is it hard? I will have to try Willa's fruitcake. But would have to drink it with a glass of milk or water. I do not drink coffee I have never had a cup of coffee. I have had some ice caps but that is it. I do not drink pop either. I do lots of water, skim milk and a little (hot)green tea. I really like the Crystal light green tea. For some strange reason I don't like hot drinks, I will wait for my hot tea get tepid or add ice to it.

Oh....sure just rub it in that the weather is wonderful....hahaha When I am somewhere hot I will be thinking about you and your spring like weather but right now I can not go there!! No really you are so lucky, I wish it was nice here not -50 with a wind chill....okay not really that cold just feels like it.

I do love all the new shades of Poinsettias the are such a nice plant and last for so long. Let me know how the tree and decorating goes. Do you have a real tree? I am not sure if we are going to put up a tree this year as were won't be here for Christmas. Have a good evening Jo.

Nov 27, 2007 09:17 AM
Jo-Anne Smith
Oakville, ON

Tom P.,

Thanks for stopping back by.


Nov 27, 2007 10:58 AM
Jo-Anne Smith
Oakville, ON

Hi Trace,

 I think the scent of those oatmeal chocolate chip cookies was reaching all the way over to Belleville !

I tried doing some gluten free baking..using rice flour and tapioca starch , however the recipe called for honey and I thought it might work out ok, however they were gingersnaps and all I could taste in them was the honey and I'm not a big fan of honey.  So needless to say, they did not turn out very well.  
I'll continue to experiment though.. I do buy gluten free cookies and they're quite good.

It's interesting that you don't like hot drinks. I'm not a big fan of cold drinks. Even water, I prefer it to be room temperature. Did you ever drink hot chocolate?

It sounds like you're getting blasted with winter there.  No real tree anymore..... I have an artificial tree and it has lasted for many years now. I do have a 5'6" tall Norfolk Island Pine in my living room though....a live one. I've had it for years and it's now 4 trees growing out of one giant planter.  I usually decorate it as well.

If you would like the fruitcake recipe, let me know, and I'll send it to you.



Nov 27, 2007 11:07 AM
Desiree Daniels
RE/MAX Tri County - Robbinsville, NJ
Loved the whole Celestine Prophecy series... totally forgot about those books.   Didn't forget the concept but thanks for the reminder... I might have to reread them.  Hope you had a good holiday!
Nov 27, 2007 11:10 AM
Jo-Anne Smith
Oakville, ON

Hi Dez,

 Thanks for stopping by ! I've only read the first one...I'll read the sequels sometime after the holidays. 

Our Thanksgiving is in early October here in Canada, however it was a very nice time spent with family. I hope you enjoyed yours !



Nov 27, 2007 11:44 AM
Desiree Daniels
RE/MAX Tri County - Robbinsville, NJ
LOL.... duh I didn't even know you were in Canada until now.  Okay I so need to pay more attention <grin>
Nov 27, 2007 02:21 PM
Jo-Anne Smith
Oakville, ON

S'OK, Dez....

There aren't too many Canadians on AR to begin with, and not that many who are very active. Hopefully that will change in time.



Nov 27, 2007 11:12 PM
Trace Galle
Designs by Trace - Kelowna, BC

Hi Jo,

I am sure the wind blew the scent there since I am next door(prov) to you now! A blast of winter yes that is for sure! As you can tell I am not a winter type girl. Give me sun, give me heat and I am so so happy. 

I like to experiment also when cooking or baking however if something turns out really good I can never duplicate again as I don't know what I did!! When baking I'll use different flours and/or sugars, in the case of cooking I change or add different spices all the time. I should write down what I do so I know exactly what to do next time. Hmmmm  now that's a helpful hint!! I am glad to hear that you can find good cookies. Do you find it difficult to find food to eat that doesn't have gluten in it? 

I only drink hot chocolate when I am outside at a sporting event and need it to warm up. I don't like real hot soup either I will let it cool a bit first. I prefer my drinks cold but will drink water at room temp. to finish my glass instead of wasting it. Are you sitting for this if not please do...I even add ice to my red wine...yes, that is right I said ice I love it cold I know it should be drank at room temp but hey rules are sometimes broken...

We also have an artificial tree too. Wow, that is one tall Norfolk. 

I would like the recipe for the fruitcake if you wouldn't mind emailing it to me. Do you still have my email address? Thanks.


PS. I do like warm milk with a dash of vanilla sometimes before bed in the winter.

Nov 28, 2007 09:10 AM
Tom Braatz Waukesha County Real Estate 262-377-1459
Coldwell Banker - Oconomowoc, WI
Waukesha County Realtor Real Estate agent. SOLD!

Hi Jo,

I feel like I am right next to you in the library, and wanted to let you know I was just thinking about how much I like books just about an  hour ago. I think it rather interesting that I was thinking this , looked at your post, and there this is.

I do not know about you, but every time I get going on books it just starts to get exponential. I will start with  thinking of one book I would want This book leads to this book, and to another category, and then I start writing post em notes, and before I know it I am thinking in fifteen different categories.

I enjoy your writing about hearts. The adventure a heart takes during it's life is a direct reflection of the eyes it has at it's access. Think, thin, busy, lonely, sad, happy, joyous, healthy, heavy, thoughtful..

I feel there are really only four really measurable aches that apply. A body ache comes and goes, and can be dealt with one way or another. The other three are an ear ache which needs to be dealt with. Infection, or what applies. A tooth ache which results in silence sooner or later. The worst is ever lasting or can be unmeasurable; that's a heart ache. I think whole books have been, could be, or need to be, written for this.

On the other hand, the beauty, texture, and volume a heart can possess that is filled with joy and compassion, and unselfishness can be a strength that nothing can hurt or damage, and this heart is strong. The heart that lies in this type of person is also a direct reflection of those eyes, and direction; both heart thought and focused.

The Mr. Douglas of Wisconsin Farming, the insomniac Realtor who thinks too much, your friend that thinks of you often,



Nov 28, 2007 11:16 AM
Jo-Anne Smith
Oakville, ON

Good morning Trace,

I'm similar to you in that regard....I LOVE heat, even humidity doesn't bother me as long as it's warm. I used to really enjoy winter as a child and younger person, then went through a spell of not liking winter (due to the freezing rain that we sometimes have). Now I don't mind it so much.

It sounds like you bake like my Aunt Claudette....she is the most amazing cook, however when I ask her for a recipe, she says it's all in her head and she bakes by intuition.

It is hard finding things that are gluten free...well moreso, it is very expensive. In the USA, you can claim the extra money you spend on gluten free items on your tax return. I don't think you can in Canada though.  A loaf of gluten free bread (a small loaf) is minimum  $6.00.  Pasta isn't hard to find, just have to make sure and buy 100 % brown rice pasta (made with rice flour). For cereal I buy rice crispy types. Basically, it's a lot of rice products.

You put ice in wine? That's interesting. Reminds me of a spritzer.

I will send you the recipe for Willa's fruitcake sometime within the next week. Perhaps I'll print it out here under the comments so that anyone who wants it can have it.

I enjoy hot tea blends that include vanilla. I've heard of people adding vanilla to their milk. There is also soy milk that is vanilla flavoured.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend,



Nov 29, 2007 04:01 AM
Trace Galle
Designs by Trace - Kelowna, BC

Hi Jo,

Thanks. I look forward to the recipe. Do you have a bread machine, because I know that you can make gluten free bread with them. If you don't, that may be a nice gift from Santa!! 

I love the chocolate soy milk. I have never tried the vanilla, I think I will have to try it. 

You have a great weekend too!! 


Nov 29, 2007 06:23 AM
Jo-Anne Smith
Oakville, ON

Hi Tom B.,

(((-:  Nice to see you. Thanks for stopping by!    I just returned from various trips around town~the office, etc...and a trip to the Belleville to pick up a few new cds and some books I've been meaning to get. Do you know Madeleine Peyroux? She's a wonderful jazz artist...anyhow, I picked up one of her cds (half the perfect world) and am  listening to it right now.

I know you're a book fiend and I think it's just great...beyond great, as a matter of fact. These are the books I picked up:

The Road~Cormac McCarthy (on the advice of Tom Plant)
The Art of Friendship~Roger and Sally Horchow (we should never stop learning how to be a great friend to someone..right?)
Soulmate~Deepak Chopra (looks intriguing and is one of the few DC's books I haven't read)
The Sacred Balance,Rediscovering Our Place in Nature~David Suzuki
The Witch of Portobello~ Paulo Coelho

You see, the same thing happens to me....I get to the library to pick up one or two books (which I've written down on some scrap of paper that I never get a chance to dig out) and then my interest in other books grows 'exponentially' as I wander from shelf to shelf and this one catches my eye, then the next, and so on.....

I really enjoy the way you portray your incredible insight on the nature of a heart and how it is a 'reflection of the eyes it has at it's access '.  How true !  I've never thought about it this way before now, until you described it this way. I have to think more about this since it incorporates so much beyond the eyes and the heart and you have given a tip of an iceburg by revealing this aspect of it.

You're right about heartaches.....we grow and learn from them though, and become so much stronger and wiser in the end. You are the expert on hearts, Tom Braatz.  I still think of the thing you said about our heart being a 'compass and it won't steer us wrong'.



Nov 29, 2007 08:34 AM
Laurie Mindnich
Centennial, CO

JO, THAT'S A STRETCH.  I can't even figure out how tropical fish relate to ME, much less real estate.  But for you, anything!  I got another magazine today.

Nov 29, 2007 09:40 AM
Jo-Anne Smith
Oakville, ON

Good morning Trace,

No, I don't have a bread machine however I was reading through some recipes for gluten free bread and saw a bread machine one, so perhaps that would be a very good idea. Thanks !! 

I've tried regular soy milk and didn't like it at all, however my Stepmother was saying that she likes the vanilla kind. I may have to give it another try.



Nov 29, 2007 09:02 PM
Jo-Anne Smith
Oakville, ON

Hi Laurie
I'm looking forward to reading your magazine meme.....my son David is really into tropical fish and has had many tanks over the years.
He currently has a couple of salt-water tanks set up (he lives in Kelowna, the other side of the country from me).   Maybe your Mom thinks you should get into tropical fish...great stress reliever.   ((-:


Nov 29, 2007 10:09 PM
Trace Galle
Designs by Trace - Kelowna, BC

Hi Jo,

You will have to try different brands of the soy milk. As I found that some brands are better than others with the chocolate. I have never been brave enough to try just the plain, I do plan to try the vanilla.


Dec 03, 2007 01:27 AM
Jo-Anne Smith
Oakville, ON

Hi Trace,

 The only kind I have ever tried is the plain. I imagine they are much better with flavour. My brother Clayton was on soybean formula the whole time he was a baby due to a dairy allergy and my Mother said that even preparing the formula made her feel ill.  ((-:    I guess they've come a long way since then....maybe adult soybean formulas are better than those prepared for babies.


Dec 03, 2007 11:37 PM