January 24th is National Just Do It Day. Who declared it as such? I don't know. Whoever it is, they just did it!
Haven't done a good deed yet this month? JUST DO IT! Have you been putting off a difficult task? Do a good deed for yourself and JUST DO IT!
Been sitting on the fence, waiting for just the right time to buy a home? JUST DO IT! Conditions are right and now's the time.
Today's the day to take action and do whatever it takes to make your life better. Or make someone else's life better.
Need an idea? Here are a few . . . Make a decision. Pay a compliment. Call a friend. Make a friend. Call your mother. Give a dollar to the guy with the sign on the street. Become a member of public television. Do something you know you're supposed to but you just didn't do.
Stop the negative inertia of inaction and start the positive momentum of action. Feel how good it is to get something DONE! Imagine how much better the world would be if we all just thought for a moment about one thing we really ought to do and then got off our behinds and actually did it! Can I get a witness? Let's go!