Here are some of the most desirable features for homes in Metrowest Mass.
Four plus bedrooms
Cul-de-sac properties.
Gas Heat.
Public Sewer.
Hardwood Flooring.
Updated Kitchens with center islands, granite countertops, nice cabinets, etc.
Central Air Conditioning.
Flat Lot/backyard.
If your property lacks some of these features, that's ok. Most properties lack something, unless they're -million-dollar plus homes. Some of the things above might be added, and others might not, but all properties sell if they're priced correctly including the home I saw last week with a hot tub sitting in the middle of a bedroom surrounded by carpet.
Even though many people might not like that type of feature, somebody will eventually buy that property. There is a buyer for just about everything. It may take a little longer to sell the "less desirable" homes, but there are some low cost steps that can be taken that will help most homes appeal to larger numbers of prospective buyers including the following".
Professional Photography Homes marketed, with photos taken by professionals, tend to get sold faster, and for higher prices than homes marketed with amateur photographs.
Lawn Care. Show me a lawn that is well kept, looks like a carpet, and I'll show you a home that sells faster than a comparable property with overgrown landscaping, weeds. etc.
Paint. Paint covers a lot of warts. Add a fresh coat of paint to any property, and see it become more appealing to buyers.
Smells. Freshly baked products and nice aromas do much better than pet odors for sure.
Clutter. Homes with hoarders are tough to sell. Clutter free homes, however, are much easier to move.
Price. Talk to a professional realtor. He/she should be aware of what comparable homes are selling for, and recommend pricing strategies that work.
Want to schedule a "free" home value audit? Call me at (508) 826-6920.